Monday, December 19, 2011

O Christmas Tree~

So I guess we did make some good memories of trimming the tree this year. We just love having a real tree and having the house filled with the fresh smell of evergreen.
Landen really wanted to help and did a pretty good job. He was frustrated he couldn't get the ornaments on the branches, but he still enjoyed the whole process.
Sissy still in her uniform before I suggested the kids put on their Christmas jammies.
Mostly Landen just ran around being a wild 2 year old.
He did love all the character ornaments, especially Bob the Builder and Boots.
My, how he's grown!
Christmas pants!
I think Landen had the most fun sliding around on the furniture sliders.
Turned out beautifully!
Zach came home from school one day telling me about the Lunar eclipse that was going to happen. I told him to wake me up if he was awake during the eclipse. He is such an early riser I knew it wouldn't be too hard for him. Sure enough he tiptoed into my room at about 5am. What was most amazing was that it was right outside his window. I was too sleepy to get a good picture, but you can kind of see it. Such a wonderful memory we have together! The sky was actually lighter and there were some hazy clouds making it look very majestic. Moon pictures are very hard and I was too sleepy to get out the tripod.
Last weekend poor Mikayla and Landen ended up getting the stomach flu that is going around. Thankfully it was only them and it only lasted about 2 days. Mikayla is just so busy she had to go back to school on Tuesday since she had her Christmas concert for school on Tuesday night. She was feeling pretty much better by then and gave a beautiful performance.
I finally figured out how to get good pictures in the auditorium and then of course there was a microphone right in front of her face! Oh well, we all enjoyed the concert and the Christmas songs and are so proud of our girl.


Grandma Frieda said...

Your tree is beautiful and looks so healthy and green! We decided to get a small real tree just to get that wonderful smell in the house. Too bad it didn't get in the house for 3 wks and when it was decorated on Christmas day there was NO SMELL. Pretty tho!

Love the pics of your concert Mikayla! Looks like you had fun. I REALLY REALLY MISS BEING ABLE TO COME TO THOSE !! Hopefully soon?

Grandma Frieda said...

One thing I forgot to include... Zach, I love those hand ornaments with your pics on them. So fun to 'remember when' and put them on the tree each year! Love 'em!