Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Flip Flop~

All the pools here in Indy close after Labor day so the last warm day was a few days before and I decided we should let Landen stick his feet in the water at least once. It was about 80 degrees that day, but the water was pretty cool. I had thought the kids and I would make it to the pool a lot this summer after Landen was born, but with the c-section recovery it just didn't happen. So here is his only visit to the pool. It was worth it just to see his cute little feet in these flip flops!He couldn't stop staring at them!Landen in his cute little rash guard before he gets in the pool. I didn't have the camera quite ready but you can see how much he loved this experience.
Barely even a toe in the water and he had decided it was pure torture. Screaming like you had never heard, along the lines of the screaming from his 2 month shots. Yes, we are parents of the year!
So we just went back to modeling all the summer hats he has which won't fit him by next summer. This green one was Zach's when he was a baby. Also, you can see our new minivan in the background. We actually got it in May. It's cool because it's red right!?! I really do love all the features and I don't have to see myself driving it so I can just pretend I am driving something else.

Zach and his blue lips. He insisted he wasn't cold.
Our happy blue-eyed 3 month old boy!

Monday, September 28, 2009


One of my babies is sleeping thru the night and one of my babies is at sleep away camp for the night. I don't know whether to be happy or sad.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

12 Weeks~

Landen always has a smile for his big sis! Seriously Mom!
Daddy's got the magic touch when it comes to getting Landen to sleep at night during his fussy time. I told you he was a Daddy's boy! Daddy's pretty smitten, too.
He wouldn't let me turn my flash on so as not to wake the boy, but it is still such a sweet memory.

Finally gave me some smiles and you can finally see his dimples above his top lip. So cute!

Already getting out the fall outfits!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

11 Weeks~

Man, those blue eyes get me everytime!Just to clear up any confusion, this is Landen at 11 weeks old, about a month ago. I am about a month behind on everything!
Chunky boy!
This was the week he found his thumb. He likes to suck his left thumb, just like Mikayla did, but likes to suck his fingers on his right hand.
I can't ever get a good picture of his excessive stretching after he nurses. He will just stretch forever until I pick him up to burp. Mikayla calls him stretchy mcstretcherson the stretchiest! Wow, that was hard to type! This was when he was about 1 week old. One of the last days getting to swim at the neighborhood pool.
Zach rowing around the pool using his dive sticks as oars.
Mikayla's lovely handstands.
They always have a great time at the pool!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

10 Weeks Old~

Hi Mama!
Oh no, not this thing again!

He does usually fall asleep in there even though he looks all squished.

Handsome big brother finally getting his front teeth!

Doesn't seem fair that a boy should have such long lashes and sweet pink lips!

"I can barely stay awake for this photo shoot Mama." At his 2 month Drs. appt.(Aug. 19) he was actually 10 weeks old, Landen weighed 13 lbs. 12 oz. and was 24 inches long. Mikayla at 10 weeks was 13 lbs. 7 oz. and here is a pic of her then.Zachary at 10 weeks old was 18 lbs. 8 oz.!! I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't written it down in a few different places. Here is his pic.
A little back chub.
He has one ridiculously long eye lash. You might have to click on the pic to see it.There, that's better!
Poor baby never gets any attention!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Brothers gotta hug~

Loves to smile at his brother!

He fell asleep holding Zach's finger and Zach was thrilled!
Too cute!! What I did over summer vacation by Zachary.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Day of School!

August 10, 2009
So precious, Landen came too and slept thru the whole morning. Daddy helped us get ready and out the door since it is definitely more challenging with a newborn. Although, the kids were up early and ready early and really do most stuff themselves now. The hardest part was being tired and not used to being up and having to go somewhere that early. First time they both started school on the same day since preschool.
Mikayla Paige, our sweet 4th grader!Daddy and the big kids!
Zachary Logan, our big 2nd grader!
They know the drill, I didn't even have to ask them to pose for pictures.

Mikayla has lots of friends in her class, including one of her very best friends, so she wasn't nervous. She won't admit it, but I know she was very excited for school to start again. Her teacher is brand new to our school this year, but she seems great!
Can't believe how they have grown! They were very nice and gave their old mama a hug before I left. Zachary couldn't wait for school to start this year!
Landen helped drop them off at their classrooms.=) And I almost forgot--Landen Alexander, our smooshy, cuddly, kissable 9 week old!!2004- 4's preschool
2's preschool
So sweet! I love that they are holding hands. First day of school ever. Oh, to just go back to that day for a few hours and kiss their sweet cheeks and hear their sweet voices!!
Just for fun!