Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmases Past

I'll have to scan some for the years before digital, but here's the past 3...
2007 Coming Soon...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Mikayla's Christmas Concert at school!

I'll try to post the video soon!

She looked just beautiful and sang wonderfully! Poor Zachy was home sick with daddy, but I sure enjoyed the show!

Her best friend!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Snowy Fun!

This was from last week's snow storm. The kids are out right now in the massive amounts of snow we got yesterday and this morning!

This is our side yard. We have the best hill in the neighborhood!
Mikayla trying to stop before flying into the creek!

The snow was just right for making a great big snow man!
That's our neighbor girl.

Gingerbread house activity at school!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Trimming the Tree!

Ok, so I am a little late in posting this, but we did buy and decorate our tree 2 weeks ago. So here it is!

Mikayla didn't want her picture taken because she didn't like how she looked with her hat and hood on. She wasn't covering her face because of the cold, although it was plenty cold. She kept saying she looked like a big grape!

I told you she is a diva!

Ah, look how well they are working together! Not really, they were soon yelling at each other for undoing the others work.


Sunday, December 9, 2007


Tickets to an ice capade musical ~ $72
Parking at said ice capade musical ~ $8
Pennets from ice capade musical ~ $18
Lunch & snacks at ice capade musical ~ $32
Hearing Zach say, "I am so excited I have tears in my eyes."
And, " I have been waiting for this my whole life!"
Then, seeing their faces when Troy and Gabriella skate onto the ice??


Mikayla was struggling with her fear of heights, so cracking a smile was a big deal! Even though we did have good seats as Mommy bought these tickets 3 months ago! She said she would only come to another show if we had seats "on the ground, MOMMY!"

Daddy even let them have Pepsi with their lunch!!

He watched intently the whole show.

Getcha head in the game!


Friday, December 7, 2007


Zach has been saying the funniest things lately. Yesterday he got a gift from house fairy(the fairy that leaves little gifts for kids with clean rooms,see And he was telling daddy about it and asked him," Daddy, did you strangely get gifts from house fairy when you were a little boy?" He has been making his bed every morning this week and lining up his stuffed animals. He already insists it has to be perfect. He even did it the morning he got sick with the stomach flu. Tuesday morning he told me his tummy was gurgling and I thought it was just hunger, but when he got to school he threw up twice. He did it in the toilet at bathroom break and didn't even tell his teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!! He said he threw up twice and flushed twice. Sorry to be gross, but I want to remember this! He just went on like nothing had happened because he didn't want to "miss out on all the fun activities" Yikes!! As soon as he got home I could tell something was wrong and after another bathroom "break" he told me, "Mommy, I have something to tell you", in that way that you know can't be a good thing. Poor little guy! We knew he had a high tolerance for pain, but wow! and gross! He is all better now and knows he has to tell his teacher if he yacks at school. He got to stay home the next day even though he was pretty much better at that point and begged all day to play in the snow. That was the day of the big snow and I told Mikayla she could stay home too, but she insisted on going to school because she just had to see her friends! Oh, my silly kids! We got even more snow last night! Poor Daddy is sore from all the shoveling. So I guess this post ended up being more gross than funny, but it never ceases to amaze us what this little boy says and does!

"Macy's Christmas Day Parade" as announced by Zach (they are all taped together) Do you think he is a little suseptible to advertisments?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Memory verses

Zachary memorizes a Scripture passage every month in Kindergarten. They are quite long, but he manages with no problem as you can see!

Psalm 23

Psalm 100