Saturday, August 29, 2009


Please ignore my voice! I got a little excited and pushed the stop button just as he went over, but he really did it! Earliest I've ever had a baby roll over(11 weeks).

This is not the video I thought, but it's still cute. I think he's about a week old here. Again, ignore the voice! I am trying to wake him up to eat and he is trying so hard to ignore me!

See he made it over!

This was filmed by Zach. Yikes! I'll have find the one Jeff taped.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dance Camp~

The last week of July Mikayla got to do dance camp at school again. They learn 3 dances in 4 days and they are like praise dance mixed with ballet. The teacher always picks the sweetest Christian music that makes me bawl.
Mikayla danced so beautifully. I WILL POST THE VIDEO!!! Maybe I really will if I write it big!?! She is a very graceful, natural dancer and seemed so confident up there. I really want to sign her up for dance again this year, you know since we have nothing else to do. But it is a great outlet for her artistic ability.
Daddy was able to sneak away from work this time!!
Pink daisies for our sweet girl!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


...found his thumb!! And slept 11:30pm-5am night before last, and slept 11:45-6:30am last night!!! What a big week for our big boy!! Mommy feels slightly less sleep deprived. Daddy was up at 4:15am to make sure he was still breathing, so we didn't sleep quite as well as him.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Chubby cheeks!

I can't resist them!

It's like they are weighing him down.

One last smile at the fan before he falls asleep.

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'~

Somebody rolled from tummy to back last night. He must think he is a big boy now that he is 11 weeks! I'll try to post the video of it soon.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

More sweet smiles~

Cute little brother at 7 weeks(end of July), about 12 lbs., in size 3 month clothes, having some 5 hour stretches of sleep, growing back some hair that looks dark, and talking and smiling a lot!
He got a glimpse of the fan.
A sweet smile from Mikayla Paige, grumpy look from Landen, probably because he can't see the fan and also he doesn't like the camera. Just another way he is like his sister.
Trying so hard to get his thumb in his mouth when he is sleepy.
Mikayla giving him some pointers.

Chatting with his big bro

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

7 week smiles~

My view every three hours.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Seems like we only call her that when there is a baby in the house and she doesn't seem to mind. She really is the best big sister ever! She is so sweet, patient, and maternal with Landen. She hates it when he cries and is great at getting him to take the binkie. Landen smiles so big when he sees her and seems to really like her voice. I was worried their age difference was too big and they wouldn't be close, but they are just enamored with each other. She kisses him no less than 20 times a day.

To date, every time Jeff and I go and wake her up in the morning she will groan when we say good morning, but if I take Landen in with me she is all smiles and happy and no groaning!!

But his bestest friend is still the fan.

Friday, August 14, 2009

6 week photo shoot~

~Our Little Man~
He's always giving us the fist.
I think I just did a doodle.
His little chicken legs are finally getting some chub.
He is always kicking his left leg about like crazy!

He has the softest shoulders covered in fuzz.
Enough already mom! He definitely got my furrowed brow.
My favorite
Typical Landen face--big blue eyes, lips sticking out, double chin.
Finally getting very long eye lashes!
Now you know what he looked like at 6 weeks!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

More 6 weeks~

Hmmm, who is he smiling at??
Looks like he smiling at me, but he is really smiling at something else.
Why it's his new best friend, the ceiling fan. He gives the biggest smiles and coos to the fan everyday. He can be crying and get a glimpse of it and flash it a little smile and then go back to crying.

Landen loves his sissy soooo much! She is always right there when he needs someone to talk to during his diaper changes. He seems to really love her voice. That is how her hair looks when she first wakes up in the mornings. Just gorgeous!
I just can't get enough of those sweet lips!
First time in his new swing. We got it at a second hand store for $65, great price but still, his favorite place to sleep is the bean bag and his favorite toy is the fan. Why did we even by anything else! We got it because he is really fussy in the evenings, but if we try and put him in there when he is fussy he gets soooooo ticked off.
One day I ventured out to the store with all three kids and I asked Mikayla to help me make a list. Later I saw the list and she had made little pictures by each item. So cute! She just can't help but be artistic. We did really well at the store, I think Landen slept the whole time and the kids were mostly helpful. they took turns pushing the cart and no one got run over!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

6 weeks old~

A visit from the Schnells
Grandma loved holding Landen and he loved snoozing in her arms!

Monday, August 10, 2009

More at 5 weeks~

Getting another bottleBig bro and big sis got to help this time and they loved it!

Zach loved that Landen was holding his fingers.
I have a very similar pic of Mikayla like this at about the same age. I think they look alike as babies, but everyone says he looks like Zach.

Before bath with sissy.
He loves bath time! Kind of scary seeing 2 identical babies, I can't even imagine!

He likes to look at himself in the mirror.
Getting chubby cheeks!

Hanging out after his bath with the big kids. Not sure what to think of his crazy siblings.