Monday, February 27, 2012


I didn't take many pictures but I want to remember our day.
I put out some gifts for the kids to see when they got up in the morning. A Jonathon Park CD for Zach and a framed Bible verse for Mikayla, a Max and Ruby book for Landen and a photo book for Jeff. Jeff got me a new fleece jacket since I keep stealing his and some candy. Mikayla gave me coupons for 1 chore of my choice, a massage(excluding feet!), and a day at the mall by myself(wonder if she'll pay?). She's so sweet! Zach made us a cute photo gift at school.
We also had yummy heart shaped brownies!
Landen had a lot of fun coloring some valentine's for everyone. So cute! I think he did a great job! When I asked him who he was going to give his valentine to he thought for a moment and said, "Um, Miss Caroline." That's his teacher in the church nursery. So precious. He loves her so much and I think it made her day when we told her that. She loves him too and says he is a joy to have in the 2 year old class. She says after they pray he yells, "AAAAAAMEN!" And he also helps corral the other kids when it's time to move from one activity to another. He loves going to play with the "babies" at church.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Mud Run~

I promised my little sis Kelly I would post a link to some photos I took recently at a local Mud Run. In October I finally forced myself to take a photography class. The instructor of that class was contacted by the people who are in charge of photography for some of the local mud runs asking for some students to help take pictures at the Halloween Mud Run. I showed them some of my photos and they hired me! I only got $50 but seriously didn't care because it was great practice and a lot of fun. Hopefully following this link you can see some of the pictures I took. It was the 100' mud crawl and pictures 333 thru 417 are the ones I took. you might have to look under special events then Dos Vientos Halloween Mud Run.( For some reason the links are white so you have to move your mouse around this blank area below to see them.)

A bit of everyday life~

This is the view from my backyard. Absolutely gorgeous! This picture doesn't do it justice. Every morning I see the sun rise over those mountains while I am eating breakfast. I am so blessed!
Landen got a hold of my scrapbooking sticker thingy and "decorated" my new scrapbooking table Jeff got me for Christmas. I think it's the first really sneaky thing he has ever done. But he picked them all off by himself, so it was all good. In fact he insisted I not help him at all by saying, "No mommy! I do it by MYYYYYY self!!" He such a little sweetheart and pretty much never gets in to trouble. That's not to say life with a 2 year old is easy! He definitely keeps me on my toes.
He also "decorated" the glass doors of the buffet. But that was on Jeff's watch! Maybe it's just because he is the 3rd child, but these little things he does just seem cute to me and don't bother me the way they probably did with Mikayla and Zach. I guess having a preteen helps give some perspective to 2 year old antics.
Landen is really good at making Thomas tracks, but he's still a little scared of Thomas. This is in the upstairs hallway leading to the Master bedroom.
Landen is finally enjoying the beautiful rocking chair Grandpa Don made for him. He was scared of it for so long and now he loves it!
Sunrise one morning I saw 2 planes fly the same route within minutes of each other and I thought it was really cool. I think they were coming from LAX going north.
Teeth and hair brushing with daddy. Landen is still such a daddy's boy! Getting ready to go to church to "play with the babies" as he says.
Always rows of cars around here!
He just got really into Cars the movie. He was scared of it for awhile, now he runs around all day yelling, "KEchow! I'm Lightning Mcqueen"
Double fistin' it. He still loves pizza!
Landen doesn't really care for milk but he loves his "gogurt" and has one pretty much everyday.
Some sweet friends came for a visit!
My friend Katie who I have known since high school came for a visit with her kids. My kids always love playing with them, especially Landen. My friend Amy stopped by too, but I didn't get a picture. Katie and Amy were two of my first friends when we moved to California from Florida almost 22 years ago! Makes me feel really old but very blessed at the same time.

Friday, February 10, 2012


He pretends to wash every vehicle and then lines them up just like at the car wash!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


He said it was his bath tub.
And then he made brobro get in too!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Don't matter if it's long, short~

I finally relented and agreed to get Landen's hair cut.=(
But it was proabaly looooong overdue. It was below his nose and in his eyes all the time.
"Seriously Mom, please cut my hair!"

He didn't want to sit at first, but then the stylist gave him some clips and he was fine.

Didn't take off too much, just enough so he could see.
I think he still looks adorable and not too much like a big boy. Still has some curl and doesn't look like he has a mullet.
I think he likes it!

Mikayla decided to get some long bangs this time. Such a beautiful young lady!
Two handsome boys!