Friday, June 26, 2009

All Hail the Birthday Princess!!

Well she has long since outgrown princesses, but when she went to pick her cake and candles she saw this and of course Daddy bought it for her. She wore it all day! Notice it has turquoise jewels, her new favorite color.Our sweet, gorgeous, smart, sassy, silly, loving, thoughtful, creative
9 year old!

Zach got her a signature webkin golden retriever and she absolutely loved it! They were so sweet to each other that day.
June 21, 2009

Zach also gave her a gorilla from his closet. She loved it just as much!

She also got some art kits from Papa and RuthAnn, a snow cone maker from Grammie, and birthday money from G & G Schnell. Thank you everyone! She had a wonderful day!

Two days before her birthday we took her for a mini shopping spree at her favorite store Justice. She had a blast! Did you know the 80's are back? Everything in the store was neon and shredded and white wash! It was so rad!
Mikayla and Landen before the shopping spree. She also chose to go to Olive Garden for dinner as usual, she is a true Hierlmeier at heart!

We love you Mikayla! You are the best daughter and big sister ever!

Monday, June 22, 2009

6 Days Old~

I felt like he was growing too fast, so even though I shouldn't have been bending and lifting him I had a little too much fun taking pics of my sweet boy while daddy was napping. So even though he is two weeks old now here are some from 6 days old. He was very tolerant of me messing with him and I am so glad because I love these pictures! He is such a content little guy.
So precious!

More kisses!
Big stretch! He will also scrunch his forehead and it is just the cutest thing ever!
He has such big hands!
My Favorite
I didn't pose his hands, he just always has them up by his face in some cute way. Love the cheek fuzz!

If I hadn't taken the picture myself I would've thought those were my hands. Mikayla is such a big girl now. She turned 9 yesterday, but I am way behind on posts. So a birthday post for her is coming soon.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

First few days at home~

June 11 & 12~
Getting to know his big bro and sis. They kiss him no less than 20 times a day. Zach decided he needed to tell Landen about life and decided to start by explaining to him what marshmallows are. It was harder than expected, but I think Landen is a quick learner. Zach said don't get them confused with the grocery store Marsh. Zach wore the same Pooh outfit when he was a baby.

Super big sis!

He laid there with his legs like that for a good 2 minutes. Must have been how he was in the womb. He's a strong little guy!

He actually gets his thumb or fingers in his mouth quite often. Always has his hands by his face and will shove them in there if you don't get the binkie in there quick enough.

Finally caught a yawn on camera.

Had his first bath at home. Daddy did a great job considering Landen screamed the whole time.

Love that drunk on milk look.

Stop mommy! Enough pictures already!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Finally Going Home!

Wearing the same outfit Zachary wore home from the hospital, although it was miles too big for him, it was still special. He kinda looks like he is a little bit skeptical about going home with us! Me and my precious three!

That hat wouldn't even stay on his head and we all couldn't stop laughing at it. We didn't make him wear it, but we just had to take a pic of how silly(and cute) it looked.

I think this looks just like Jeff's hospital picture. I am going to have to try to scan it to compare.

This was actually Wednesday June 10th, 3 days old. We always take an awkward pic of me in the car with our babies coming home like this.

Can't get over his long feet and toes!

He knows how to keep that binkie in his mouth! Such a funny little guy!

Hanging out with Daddy. He was still a little jaundice when we came home, but he looks all better now. It really never got that bad.

It was a great first night at home with our sweet guy and we couldn't be more thankful to God for blessing us with Landen Alexander!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Our Newest Blessing!!!

So much to write, but I am still recovering, so it'll have to be short and sweet. Had my regular 39 week appt. last Thursday and Midwife couldn't feel head down. Ultrasound last Friday revealed baby boy was breech. We decided to try a version to try to turn baby Sat. morning with OB who consults with Birth center where I was "planning" natural birth. Version turned him sideways but he would not budge any farther. They actually brought in an additional OB to help try and turn him, but he was really not moving past sideways. That was probably more pain than the 24 hour labor with Mikayla drug free. I have bruises on my sides still from it. So reluctantly we scheduled C-section for Sunday. It was hard to do but really it was the safest for baby. Everything went extremely well with the c-section and as soon as I heard my sweet baby's cries I didn't care about anything else! I kept saying how tiny he was and Jeff got to bring him to me within a few minutes. He is an extremely happy, content, quiet baby who loves to sleep and eat. We are all so smitten with him and just stare at him all day long. Mikayla says he is a very kissable little guy and Zachary keeps asking when my next milking is. Dr. Soper who delivered him said I lost very little blood and there wasn't anything she could see that was wrong other than he was just happy being breech and didn't want to move. The nurses said my recovery was very good and fast for a c-section. My only problem was dizziness from the spinal that lasted about 16 hours. So nursing was hard those first few times, but Landen did really great anyway and nursed when he was about 30 minutes old. I am still very slow moving and tired, but feel extremely blessed to be holding our precious baby boy in my arms safe and healthy and happy!
Jeff got to hold him when he was just minutes old!I am sure he is crying here not smiling. I could hear him crying the whole time and it made me cry tears of joy!Landen Alexander, our precious boy, born June 7th!
The kids absolutely love holding him!!
Love my boy!Such a happy little guy! Finally by day 2 I got my hands on my camera!
Zachary is the best at getting him to take the binkie. I have never had a baby who liked the binkie and Landen loves it. He also has gotten his thumb and fingers in his mouth several times. In the ultrasounds he always had his hands by his face.
He's got my long finger toes.
We aren't quite sure who he looks like yet.
The lady who wheeled me out just couldn't get us all centered in the picture. Seriously there is one where Zach is cut out completely.
Thank you to everyone for your prayers! I hope this cures your baby picture fever until I am feeling better!