Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fall Fun~

We finally made it to Underwood Farm's fall festival last weekend.  It was slightly cool and windy, so actually a nice day to go.  The corn maze is always the first thing the big kids want to do.  

The goal is to make it to the middle of the maze where there is this big hay pyramid.  We lost Mikayla for a bit, but everyone made it out ok.

This picture makes me sentimental.  Jeff and I just celebrated 20 years since we started dating.  I wore red jeans on our first date and now they are back in style, ha!

Wagon ride around the farm.

Our beautiful girl!  I don't think I mentioned it, but these are her new glasses.  

As usual, Zach trying to pick the biggest pumpkin he can lift!  We agreed to one a little smaller than this one.

I just love these deep orange pumpkins!

I don't even know!?!  He was just running around having a blast!

I got him that shirt because he is obsessed with spiders right now, but when I showed it to him he said it was "too spidery."  Then when I tried to return it he said he liked it.  Silly boy.

He started marching around giving me the thumbs up.

He was on a mission to find me the perfect pumpkin!

I didn't even ask him to, he just decided he needed to find me one with warts.=)

"Here Mommy, I found the perfect pumpkin for you.  It's called a squash."  I kid you not, that is exactly what he said.

He chose a green one for himself, of course!  Every day he tells us green is his favorite color.

He loves his sissy so much!

He spent quite a bit of time trying to roll pumpkins around.

Love our three!

Don't be fooled.  This is a more realistic shot of what it's like to try to get a picture of all three.

Oh my!  His little hand on Mikayla's leg!
Overall, it was a successful trip to the farm.  We ate lots of kettle corn, everyone picked a pumpkin, I got some good pictures, and only a few meltdowns!
Good times.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Around the house~

Upstairs loft area that is always a mess. It's his main playing area.  Still playing trash truck man.
 I don't even care.  A spotless house means no fun.

Pretending to be a policeman directing traffic.

$5.99 roses from trader joe's brought days of beauty.

This is pretty much what my days are like.  Every time I look around, there he is.  And I love it.
My little helper.

He can't stand getting any paint on his fingers.

Painting pumpkins. Green, of course!

He still has the most beautiful shoulders I have ever seen.

Silly boy!  Put the lighter away mommy!

He says sissy is his favorite all the time.  He says she is a princess.

All my leaf placemats are his "pancakes" =)