Thursday, September 30, 2010

I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner~

I guess I can blame tired mommy brain for not remembering I can take video in photo booth and then easily upload them. So here is Landen walking! Plus a couple extras. Just focus on the cute baby and not the silly mama. I don't know why he won't say brobro and sissa, he says both all day long while they are at school. That's Jeff in the background putting up the baby gate at the bottom of the stairs to keep our little climber safe.=) Not sure if the sound is lining up with the video properly, but you get the idea. You'll have to pause the music first.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Mikayla had to "collect" 10 insects for a science project for school. We had cups full of insects in our freezer for weeks! Yuck! She had to have at least 7 out of 8 orders. It was not easy. Her dragonfly fell apart when she tried to glue it, so after a late night search she found a plant bug. Whew!
She did an awesome job decorating and ended up getting a 98%! I think her moth was actually a butterfly, but we aren't sure.
That's not even the scariest cicada there is, aren't those things huge!?

We all ended up learning a lot about insects(not bugs!).

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Culver's Baby~

Gotta start 'em early!
We don't just eat ice cream in the midwest, we eat frozen custard.
Landen seems to like it.
Zach riding no hands while everyone enjoyed their treats.
I still think he looks a lot like his cousin Austin.
Me and my blue-eyed baby.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Friday Night Lights~

Zachary is playing flag football again this year. He got to play at half-time at the varsity game. We all love to go and cheer him on and get to see the very talented HCS eagles varsity football team. When we left at half time I think they were ahead by 4 touchdowns??!!
So serious.
And yes, he is that much taller than most of his teammates.
He mostly plays quarterback.
Landen screamed "ZAAAA!!!!" the whole time! It was so funny and sweet!

Taking pictures at night under the big lights is definitely way out of my league, but I got what I could.
That's Zach down on the ground.
Landen last year~3 months old
Mikayla stayed in the bleachers and hung out with one of her friends. Oh my, all my babies are growing up.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

And we're walkin'~

My computer won't upload any more video, so this will have to do for now.

Soooo proud of himself!

He had been walking about 5 steps consistently for awhile, but this past week he really took off.
Watching Landen take his first steps is an absolute joy. Being able to watch Mikayla and Zach's joy as they watch Landen take his first steps is a blessing I never imagined.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Here's my two little night owls at 9pm. One up because his last eye tooth, tooth #16 was breaking through and bothering him. The other one up because tooth # 11 was too wiggly to sleep, but wasn't quite out yet. After a little work and some bravery she pulled it out herself! That tooth had been wiggly for what seemed like a year. She told the tooth fairy that she could have the night off.
Here's a good look at all his teeth and also his sweet smile.

He was 23lbs. 8 oz. and 30.25 inches at his 15 month appt. last week. Although the Dr. thinks he's taller. He didn't even cry after the first shot and only cried a little after the second. The Dr. was amazed at all his teeth and at his language. "Uh-oh! Wah Zat!" is his new favorite expression. It is just adorable. He has been walking a lot the past 2 days. He still likes a little help, but is getting so brave. He has been folding his hands and saying "ay" at dinner if we forget to pray. Then makes us do it a few more times just for good measure. How does he remember!?! He walked up to Zach the other day and gave him a big hug and patted his back. Zach says he is the sweetest baby ever. I have to agree. He is absolutely precious. He loves his big brother soooooo much. He calls for him all day when he is at school. "ZAAAAA!!!!" Hoping that he will run out from hiding and do something silly to make him laugh. He still hates his crib, but the pack n' play can be tolerated at times. Dr. says it is normal, some toddlers do this, it's just a battle of the wills. So I guess I have the sweetest and most stubborn baby ever!
I think mommy is slowly, but surely winning this battle. Although I think we may be in a toddler bed sooner than later.

**If I had posted this this morning it would have been true, but this afternoon Landen was walking everywhere!**

Saturday, September 11, 2010


All the everyday images of everyday life that aren't really all that exciting, but I don't want to forget.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Caesar Salad~

Last night at dinner Zachary's response to the waiter who asked what dressing he would like on his salad was, "Is it possible to get a Caesar salad with that instead?" Doesn't seem so special now, but he just looked and sounded like such a grown boy the way he said it. Like one of those turning points that happens without any big fanfare. No more ordering off the kids menu and ordering Caesar salads all by your self. I am sure there isn't a place in the baby book for that one, but the sweet way he smiled and laughed when I commended him for being so polite was priceless.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Landen Meets Grammie~

I had these sweet pictures of my mom from our trip to California tucked away for a special post and I completely forgot to post them! So this is the first time Grammie met Landen in April and then also the second time last month in Wisconsin. We drove up there to meet her while she was visiting family after our time in Chicago.
Landen was 10 months here. He wasn't too sure about Grammie, but I can see him eyeing all her pretty jewelry and wondering how he can get his hands on it!
He sat with her for a long time. It was really precious!
Me and my Mommy and Landen.
These are the pictures from last month in Wisconsin. Both of my parents were born and raised in Madison and so there is a lot of our family there. This is at my Aunt Jeanne's house. The kids scored a lot of good loot from their aunties! Thank you Jeanne and Barb!! The kids always love how their Wisconsin aunts spoil them.
Landen rearranged Jeanne's whole coffee table! My cousin Michelle was there too. I kept thinking I needed to have Jeff take our picture and then I just forgot. She and Kelly and I played together a lot as kids.
Me and my Mom and Landen again. I can't believe how he has grown since April.
Landen finding some treasures in Aunt Jeanne's purse.

Jeanne and Zachary. Two peas in a pod. I think these two and Aunt Kelly could really go on some wild adventures together.
The best picture we could get of all of us. Landen wasn't having it and neither was Zach.
My Aunt Jeanne is also my godmother. Right after I was born my Mom had back surgery and couldn't hold me very much. My Aunt Jeanne helped take care of me a lot and I feel like I have always had a special bond with her because of that. So these are two very important women in my life and I am so glad I got a picture with them!
Jeanne would sneak me out for fries and a coka at Mcd's when I was little. Everytime I am at her house I just want to curl up and take a nap and I think that has to do with her caring for me when I was an infant.=) I am so happy we were able to drive up to see my Mom while she was in Wisconsin. We don't see you enough Mom!