Friday, March 28, 2008

Our Wedding Day~

Still haven't mastered the art of scanning, but I think I'm getting better at taking pictures of pictures. On our wedding day it was sunny, rainy, it hailed, and it snowed! When I woke up it was sunny, then it rained while we were at the studio taking pics. As we were about to take outside pics it started hailing and on the way from Bako to LA for our flight to Hawaii it snowed as we were going over the Grapevine. When does it ever hail in Bakersfield??!! Not what we expected for our wedding day, but I remember that I thought it was really neat to be able to say all that happened on our day, and it still is!Doesn't it look like I am standing on glass? You can't tell, but Jeff is holding up my train so it wouldn't get wet.
Of course there were things that didn't go as planned, other than the weather, but it was blessed day for both of us. Jeff kept rubbing my hand when I was teary after my Dad gave the most wonderful speech when he gave me away(I still get teary thinking about it). Jeff putting his leg up behind him when we kissed for the first time as husband and wife and everyone laughed and I had no idea why until I saw the video like a month later.
Our engagement picture. Wow, we look so young! One thing never changes though, my wild hair! Just kidding! Our love for each other.=)


So all the Easter posts will have to wait so I can focus on us for a day! A special day indeed. Ten years ago today we said, "I do!" I think this was March 2005, 7 year anniversary.

Last year,2007,9 years.

8 years,at the beach in San Francisco,2006

2004, in Kentucky,6 years

So these aren't in chronological order and I don't have time today to find pics from pre-digital days since I have a sick chick home with me from school today, but maybe later. I can't believe we have lived in Indiana almost half of our married life so far. In October we celebrated 15 years since we started dating. Wow! Hard to believe. It hasn't been all fun and games, but we really do love and appreciate each other. A couple of weeks ago I was very sick with the stomach flu. My stomach pain was so intense that I passed out a couple of times. Once in the dining room at 3am and had to call Jeff to come downstairs and help me decide if we should wake the kids and go to the ER. Instead I decided to sleep on the couch and see how it went and my sweet hubby slept the rest of the night ON THE FLOOR next to me to make sure I was ok. Then he took the next day off to take care of me and be Mr. Mom. I was kind of surprised he did all that. Don't read this and think we have a perfect marriage. Sometimes it's hard taking care of each other and sometimes it's hard just being near each other! Anyway, there are too many great memories of the last 10 years to list them all, but 2 that stick out are our 2 beautiful babies! We feel very blessed and appreciative of all that God has done in our lives since we met and are excited to see what He has planned for the next 10 years!
Luv you honey!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Ok, this is very late, but blogger hasn't been letting me upload, so here it is anyway! Happy Birthday to our St. Paddy's Day baby, Aunt Kelly!!!I actually remember waking up the morning you were born and the lady who we carpooled with for preschool came to pick me up and I wasn't ready because you had been born during the night and so I didn't have to go to school! Thanks sis!
Gosh, I love this pic.

Sorry, I just get such a kick out of this one!

Luv ya little sis!! Happy Birthday!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Mikayla's Year in Review

Seems like the blog has been a lot about Zachary lately with all the birthday business, so here's what's happening with Mikayla. Isn't her hair getting sooooo long? She hasn't cut it in a year, but she wants to cut it for summer. What a beauty she is! For her class Christmas book I had her write out her 2007 highlights. She had a big year! She didn't want to write that she learned to ride her bike w/o training wheels, but she did that too! I thought this was really sweet.
We love you sweet Mikayla and are so proud of all your accomplishments!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Spring is coming!

Even though it just snowed and we had a huge ice storm, the birdies are all coming back to our backyard.
This one was flicking snow with it's tail.
That's a female Cardinal.
There were three male Cardinals flying all around the other day and 2 huge Blue Jays as well, but they were very elusive. It was like a little bird show in our own yard.

February's Verse~Take 2

February's Verse ~ Take 1

I think he said the wrong last verse, but I thought it was too cute not to post!