Monday, July 15, 2013

Santa Barbara~

Santa Barbara is only about an hour away from where we live.  So we decided to take a little day trip with Landen for a kind of belated birthday present for Jeff.  This was back in May when the big kids were still in school.
 We finally found ship wreck park and let Landen burn off a little energy after the drive.

 Then we went to the wharf to walk around and get some lunch.  We saw lots of sea creatures!
 And it was a gorgeous day!

 Not the best picture of me, but here's proof I was there too!
 We could see the wharf from our seats at lunch and Landen loved watching all the boats.
 The absolute highlight for Landen was seeing this giant boat lifter thingy come and start lifting this sailboat out of the water.  A little boy's dream!

Monday, July 8, 2013

13 Pictures for her 13th Birthday~

Mikayla had the great idea to do a make your own pizza/cupcake, movie party for her 13th birthday.
 We also decided to go with a neon theme for the decorations.
 A few pictures before all the girls arrived.  Landen was right there in the midst of everything.=)

 Can't believe my baby girl is 13!!  There is no accounting for where the time has gone, but I am just so blessed to call her my daughter and friend!
 I set Landen up at the other table with a few toppings so he would be out of my way while I got the pizzas ready.  Jeff found him a few minutes later just eating all the toppings!

 I eventually sent all the boys away so the girls could get started making their pizzas.  We did use pre made crusts because I am not that crazy!
 I love the look Mikayla and her friend are giving each other!  She has the best group of friends from school/church.
 Just a few toppings!
 Mikayla's creations.  I also made the cupcakes ahead of time, but I made about 60 cupcakes because I am a little cray cray. (Mikayla has banned me from saying cray cray in her presence.)  Yep, I have a teenager!
 The girls had so much fun with the decorating and talked non-stop the entire party(4 hours!)  They had so much fun and Mikayla even said it was "so much fun!"  She even thanked me for all the work I did!
 Anything for my baby girl!  It was my pleasure to be able to give her a great day with her friends to celebrate that special day 13 years ago in Lodi when I endured 24 hours of drug-free labor to bring her into this world. Ha!  I was about as exhausted after the party as I was the day she was born.  I'll pretty much do anything to avoid a sleepover with ten 13 year old girls. 
We finished the night by watching Soul Surfer.  The girls chatted through the whole movie, too!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Is there anything happier than a child enjoying bubbles?  I think not.  Something so simple bringing so much joy.  Seems like that kind of happiness isn't allowed when you are an adult.  But I really enjoyed watching him play this day.  Hope you enjoy too!

 Yep, we are getting our yard worked on.  It is finally finished!  Pictures to come.
 Just enjoying some pretty flowers.

Hey mom, why aren't you taking a picture of me!?!?