Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas~

~From our family to yours~

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happy 2 & 1/2 Years~

Someone is growing up way too fast! Seems like yesterday we had just moved here and we were celebrating Landen turning 18 months old. I think he looks like such a big boy now. I was just trying to get a picture of that crazy curl on his head, so I asked him to stand by the stockings. He then decided he wanted to pose by each stocking.
When he "poses" he kind of leans over and gives a silly smile. I just adore it! And his legs are getting so long! Poor guy still looks a little thinned out from the stomach flu. The last few days he's been eating like crazy to make up for it. I don't know how much he weighs, but he is 3 feet tall now. He also likes to put toys in all the stockings. His favorite songs to sing are Jingle Bells, O Christmas Tree, and Jesus Loves Me. Yesterday he said to me, "Mama, I hundry(hungry)." Be still my heart, that boy has me quite smitten.
Just too cute for words! Who can resist those beautiful green eyes!?!
We love you our sweet, little 2 and 1/2 year old boy!

Next up, maybe potty training and a haircut.
~Double cringe~

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Jingle Bells~

Interview with Landen @ 2.5 years old.

Monday, December 19, 2011

O Christmas Tree~

So I guess we did make some good memories of trimming the tree this year. We just love having a real tree and having the house filled with the fresh smell of evergreen.
Landen really wanted to help and did a pretty good job. He was frustrated he couldn't get the ornaments on the branches, but he still enjoyed the whole process.
Sissy still in her uniform before I suggested the kids put on their Christmas jammies.
Mostly Landen just ran around being a wild 2 year old.
He did love all the character ornaments, especially Bob the Builder and Boots.
My, how he's grown!
Christmas pants!
I think Landen had the most fun sliding around on the furniture sliders.
Turned out beautifully!
Zach came home from school one day telling me about the Lunar eclipse that was going to happen. I told him to wake me up if he was awake during the eclipse. He is such an early riser I knew it wouldn't be too hard for him. Sure enough he tiptoed into my room at about 5am. What was most amazing was that it was right outside his window. I was too sleepy to get a good picture, but you can kind of see it. Such a wonderful memory we have together! The sky was actually lighter and there were some hazy clouds making it look very majestic. Moon pictures are very hard and I was too sleepy to get out the tripod.
Last weekend poor Mikayla and Landen ended up getting the stomach flu that is going around. Thankfully it was only them and it only lasted about 2 days. Mikayla is just so busy she had to go back to school on Tuesday since she had her Christmas concert for school on Tuesday night. She was feeling pretty much better by then and gave a beautiful performance.
I finally figured out how to get good pictures in the auditorium and then of course there was a microphone right in front of her face! Oh well, we all enjoyed the concert and the Christmas songs and are so proud of our girl.

Monday, December 12, 2011

The wise woman builds her house...

...but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down. ~Proverbs 14:1

This verse always kind of scares me. I can see how with a bad attitude I could really do a lot of damage to my home and family. I pray that my demeanor and actions will always help build my family up and not tear them down. Like not letting pictures be more important than actual living and experiencing life. That being said after consulting with 3 Mac geniuses over the phone, the 3rd uber genius was able to find all of my lost pictures!!! I am so thankful and relieved. I definitely learned my lesson about backing up iPhoto, but mostly about the important things in life. Something I already knew, but really need to practice. I have three little(ish) ones who are watching my every move and are learning how to either build their own homes some day or tear them down. Landen has started mimicking my every move when he and I eat lunch together. When it's just me and him sitting at the table he will take a bite when I do, take a drink when I do, put his hand on his cheek if I do, and even clear his throat like I do. It is absolutely adorable and a great reminder of the influence I have over my children.

Our church had an event called Star of Wonder. They brought in 95 tons of snow! It was awesome. There was a petting zoo, drive through Bethlehem, food, hot cocoa, and sledding. If you drove through Bethlehem between 6 and 7pm this was the beautiful angel you would have seen! She had the most lines. "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people!" She had to repeat that whole passage probably 20 times. She definitely earned her hot chocolate.
And our handsome Joseph who didn't have to say anything. But he did a great job!
While the big kids were "working" Landen got to have his first snow experience. Which is so weird being my only baby born in th midwest. We sat him in the snow when he was 6 months old and he touched it, but it was always way too cold to let him play. He really enjoyed sledding with daddy!
It was about 47 degrees this night which is about all we can handle now.=)
Zach got to sled down this big hill!
Such a fun night and a great way to experience snow if you don't have the best sledding hill ever in your own side yard.
We also finally got our Christmas tree. The kids were reminiscing about having to pick our trees in the frigid temperatures in Indiana. We loved being able to wander around and take our time picking our tree this year.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

On my mind~

Haven't been able to blog lately because all my pictures in iPhoto disappeared. I was able to find recover all but 2011. Thankfully I had a lot of those uploaded to other sites, but still there was some loss and I am a little sick about it. Which I feel stupid about. I have a wonderful life and family. Three beautiful children right in front of me everyday that I can touch and kiss, so why do I even need the photos. It's just how I am I guess, needing to look back at what they were years ago, almost like different little people. There is the possibility of finding them on the hard drive which we can still try.

We finally trimmed the tree this week. We always love it and this was Landen's first year. He didn't really understand how to get the ornaments on but we helped him and he was so proud when he did it! I do still have those pictures on my camera! But I have to say it wasn't one of my best nights. I don't think I ate very well that day, which happens sometimes when you are allergic to dairy. You can't just have some cereal or grab some yogurt for protein if you are out of meat. So I felt like I was a little snappy with the kids when they were snappy with each other and I went to bed feeling like I had ruined a fun family event. When I woke up the next morning and went downstairs everyone was already down there, Jeff and Mikayla ready to leave for work and school, Zach and Landen already up and running around. As I stumbled sleepily down the stairs, eyes barely open, Jeff came over and gave me a sweet kiss despite what I am sure was horrible morning breath. Mikayla came and gave me a hug which is pretty rare these days and seeing all the love Landen wanted a hug too and of course Zach never misses a chance for some love. All my people heaping love on me despite my crankiness from the night before. I surely didn't deserve it, but I felt so blessed that they loved me anyway. So blessed that they are so quick to forgive even when they have every reason not to.

It's wonderful to be able to look back at wonderful pictures and enjoy the memories, but it's more important for me to savor the moments I have right now. That's all I can really do anyway. Each moment is a gift and I need to learn to cherish that instead of the photos I may get of those moments. It is really stupid to try to get great photos of some fun family event while being cranky with everyone. "Stop fighting! Smile!"

Losing those pictures wasn't a surprise to God. I learned this week at Bible study about considering trials pure joy. I got a taste of it first had. I did not jump for joy when the pictures disappeared, I cried out to God for help and understanding. He wasn't punishing me though he was teaching what was truly important and I do consider it pure joy to have learned that lesson. I can't even say it was a harsh lesson, He did it in such a gentle way, far a more gentle than I am as a mother or a wife or a friend. What I consider pure joy is knowing that God is using the trials in my life to make me a better person and to give me a better life than I even deserve.

Enough to enjoy some sweet moments with my babies!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tired Baby~

Finally figured out how to get pictures off my phone. Here is Landen sleeping at the game! Poor little guy was so tired he slept through all the noise for an hour.

Flag Football~

I finally got to go see two of Zach's flag football games. He had a double header the last day. Jeff had to take Mikayla to do a service project for school, so Landen and I went to watch Zach. Game time is usually during Landen's nap time, but this day he actually slept on my lap during the game for about an hour. It was really precious. It was a beautiful fallish day, about 60 degrees and sunny off and on. That's pretty typical weather here in the fall, but most days it gets warmer.
Zach was quarterback this year and did a great job. He almost always got the ball right where he was supposed to, but his teammates rarely caught it. He was a a team with a lot of 7 year olds and it was just really obvious that he was at a different level. He was player of the game the first week.
Most games he scored a touchdown.
He had no problem grabbing the flags on most plays, it didn't really seems fair, but he sure had fun!

We do get some fall color!
This was his 2nd touchdown of the day. I overheard some dad saying, "That big guy scored again!" So funny, I just want to yell, "He's only 9!"
I think he was more excited about the cookie than the trophy. He even grabbed a second cookie. I told him he had to share it with Landen.
Landen took 2 bites then started complaining about something in his mouth. He started coughing and I knew what was coming. He projectile vomited all over the grass. The 2 bites of cookie and all the apple juice he had just drank. Poor baby, but I was so thankful it happened on the grass and not in the car. He was actually fine after that. Whew! We survived 2 games without daddy, during nap time, vomit and all, but it was a great day anyway!