Thursday, December 1, 2011

Flag Football~

I finally got to go see two of Zach's flag football games. He had a double header the last day. Jeff had to take Mikayla to do a service project for school, so Landen and I went to watch Zach. Game time is usually during Landen's nap time, but this day he actually slept on my lap during the game for about an hour. It was really precious. It was a beautiful fallish day, about 60 degrees and sunny off and on. That's pretty typical weather here in the fall, but most days it gets warmer.
Zach was quarterback this year and did a great job. He almost always got the ball right where he was supposed to, but his teammates rarely caught it. He was a a team with a lot of 7 year olds and it was just really obvious that he was at a different level. He was player of the game the first week.
Most games he scored a touchdown.
He had no problem grabbing the flags on most plays, it didn't really seems fair, but he sure had fun!

We do get some fall color!
This was his 2nd touchdown of the day. I overheard some dad saying, "That big guy scored again!" So funny, I just want to yell, "He's only 9!"
I think he was more excited about the cookie than the trophy. He even grabbed a second cookie. I told him he had to share it with Landen.
Landen took 2 bites then started complaining about something in his mouth. He started coughing and I knew what was coming. He projectile vomited all over the grass. The 2 bites of cookie and all the apple juice he had just drank. Poor baby, but I was so thankful it happened on the grass and not in the car. He was actually fine after that. Whew! We survived 2 games without daddy, during nap time, vomit and all, but it was a great day anyway!

1 comment:

Grandma Frieda said...

Yup! Daddy missed some real style from his star quarterback. Grandma Frieda must get out there and see some of these games.and let those mom's know he's 9.