Friday, June 24, 2011

A Graduation & A Birthday~

My sweet niece Courtney graduated from Independence High about a month ago and we were able to go to her graduation party on Memorial day. It's has taken me forever to blog about it because June is such a crazy month for us. There were 5 birthdays, Father's day, a Graduation, a Culmination, an Anniversary, and a bon voyage party! Plus school got out and Jeff went to London for a week. Hopefully I can blog about it all!
Kelly, Landen, and Austin
Papa and Landen were walking around the house playing peek-a-boo.
The grads doing some jumping pictures!

Landen and Austin. Landen always warms up to Austin first because he is so persistent and so much fun!
Doesn't seem like a fair match up, but Zach won most of the time. He is surprisingly strong.
Jake, Zach, Cameron, and Chase played in the pool for hours and had the best time.
We had a little smash cake for Landen so we could celebrate with everyone while we were there since we didn't do a big party for him.
He did not like being sung to. To be fair there were about 30 people singing to him.

He just wanted to eat the frosting one finger at a time.

He did that like 20 times until someone finally gave him a fork.
Of course he always has to feed anyone around him.
The cutest two year old I know!
Not sure what made them laugh, but it is so cute! Our graduate and the birthday boy!
Finally digging in!
He smiled so big when Papa came over!
And shared, of course!

Landen totally initiated this. He just leaned into Bryson for some reason. He really loves Bryson and Bryson is soooo good with him. Even though Bryson is like 6'4" he will always get down on Landen's level.
Courtney and Mikayla
Courtney and my mom, Grammie/Grandma Jono
Me & my sweet tired out boy. He played until he crashed. He had the best time playing with all his cousins.

1 comment:

Kelly H said...

Great Post!!! I love it.