Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Culminator~

Mikayla graduated from 5th grade last week. Apparently, they aren't allowed to call it a Graduation so they call it a Culmination. Our beautiful girl is officially done with elementary school! I have such vivid memories of her getting off the bus her first day of kindergarten. So sweet, so confident, she has always loved school.(She usually asks me to straighten her hair for special occasions.)
Only Landen wanted to pose with sissy. Daddy was actually in London so he had to miss the Culmination. (I think a post about London might be coming soon from Jeff!)

Her BFF. They always find each other right away. She has been a great friend to Mikayla this year. Such a huge blessing! They are so adorable, they sit at recess and read together.
Each 5th grade class did a little performance. Honestly, I don't know very many students, but it didn't matter I still cried during most of the songs. They kept showing kindergarten pictures and singing sad songs about growing up and moving on.
Singing "On My Way" by Phil Collins
She was just as animated as she was during her first preschool performance.=)
Receiving her certificate, that's her teacher.

At the end all the classes encircled the parents with flashlights made into torches and sung, "I'm Proud to be an American." I don't think there was a dry eye in the house. They made it such a special event for the students and parents. We are so blessed to be a part of this school. We didn't really know anything about it going in and it turned out to be one of the best schools in our area.
Zach really was there too, but we are passed forced sibling pictures now.
We are so proud of you sweet girl!

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