Saturday, November 21, 2009

Week 18~

Hi Momma!
I didn't even have the camera ready, but it was like he was waving to me.
I like this one because you can see the dimple he has on his shoulder. I don't really know if it is a dimple or kind of a birthmark, but it will always remind me he was breech. 18 weeks here, even though I already posted about our pumpkin patch trip when he was 19 weeks. I couldn't skip it because week 18 was very significant. Landen got his 1st & 2nd tooth that week on October 15th! He got 2 in one day just like his big bro. And they were both 18 weeks when they got them. He woke up early that morning with a different cry. I was puzzled why he was up so early, so I checked his gums and sure enough the left one had poked through. Later that day the right one came in. He needed teething tablets all day, but was such a trooper!

I generally don't care to take the time to edit my pictures, but I am not sure how I feel about his little nudey butt being out for all to see. It sure is cute though.

Plus I was feeling bad that I haven't taken him to get any professional pictures yet and I was trying to get something that was similar to Zach's 4 month pics. How do you think I did?


Sally said...

you did an amazing job. These pictures are GREAT!! He's getting so big!!

Grandma Frieda said...

I love 'em! You did great!! Those blue eyes just grab the camera! He always has such a happy, content look. He's obvioiusly enjoying his meals.

Kelly H said...

These look like professional pictures! I thought they were until you said something. You should be a professional photographer, no joke. It's one of your passions! Love, love, LOVE this cute, cuddly little guy! xo