Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lightning Larry!

Mikayla's class did an end of the year play called Lightning Larry. It had a Christian theme(I can't remember the plot because I was taping it) and she got to be one of the citizens and the bank teller.

The boys actually memorized all their lines, which is amazing considering the play was about 20 minutes long, but they were very comical. It was a great outlet for this very energetic class. Her teacher is really amazing and handles them very well. She is very loving but doesn't tolerate rudeness and says that often.
Daddy asked her how it went because he didn't get to go and she said, "Lots of eyes on me."
It was very cute and funny and she did a great job! She sometimes would mouth other peoples lines, it was cute.=) They were all so proud of themselves and proud to show off their hard work.

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