Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Day in the Life of Landen~

Or everything Landen has been up to since we moved here. Or all the random pictures I took of him in the last six months. Either way, it's all stuff I want to remember because he has changed so much since November and will soon be a 2 year old!
Nothing in this world sweeter than a sleeping baby! Most mornings I have to wake him up to take the kiddos to school. I can't stand waking a peacefully sleeping child no matter what the reason, but that's just life with a big brother and sister. He has always handled it so well. Those lips are just the most precious thing I have ever seen! Most mornings he makes his way into our bed between 4 and 6am.
Moving was pretty hard on Landen sleep wise and he had already been going through some sleep troubles before we left. He was like a newborn all over again, plus we had upstairs neighbors to think about. But during the day he was happy as can be and loved exploring the condo.
He is an organizer!
He was always doing this to our shoes. I like to think it was a very intelligent shoe security system.
Loves his bear and acts like his mama.=)
He loved dragging out all the pots and pans at the condo and was always playing cooking. He eventually started using Zach's legos as play food. Not sure why he needed Mikayla's head band as a belt, but he always did that. She wore that the day he was born. It was from the dollar section of target.=)
Sometimes he would put "food" and spoons in those wooden Thomas blocks and put them on the table at the kids places and yell something monotone like he was calling them to dinner. Those were Zach's blocks when he was little.
More fun with shoes. Doesn't every toddler go through this stage??

Once we moved into our house in February he finally had a grassy area to play in.
The perfect place to play football with brobro after the superbowl. Go Packers!
All my old pots and pans (from before I was even married) get taken outside to his play kitchen. Well, we got that kitchen for Mikayla when she was 18 months old. Getting our money's worth!
Baby gate is really working, huh!?
It's kind of like crop circles around here. You turn around for a minute and then suddenly there are rows of trucks everywhere.
Landen always gets to go special places with us while the kids are at school like the four seasons for our anniversary lunch(13 years!)

He organizes his trucks all day long and will sit on the potty and pretend to go. He has also started telling us when he has a dirty diaper. I am so not ready for potty training!
Learning how to play baseball from daddy. He says baseyball.
Loves,loves, loves to play in the dirt.
Spends a good amount of time snuggling with Mama!
Combining his two loves. Cooking and trucks.
Sharing his turkey with Diego at lunch.

Feeding sissy and his babies. He likes to feed people.

We have a bunny that lives in our backyard. He/she has been there since he/she was just a baby. There were actually 2, but the crows got one.=(
Landen loves to play with "bunbun." He lets him get really close.
Landen threw him the ball.
Watching Doradoraboots and giving Mommy a heart attack.

Being silly!

Playing in brobros room.
Such a goof ball!
He absolutely loves to play with brobro. Zach is a good sport most of the time. He really likes to boss Zach around, and I think that's kind of good for Zach.

Such a sweet, smart, happy little man. We love you so much Landen! We love to watch you grow and see your unique personality shine through. I can't believe you are almost 2!

1 comment:

Grandma Frieda said...

I began to write down comments and it got to be a verrry lonnng list. Just too many smiles as I passed thru this blog. Mommy, you've done a good job of capturing moments in pics and words. Landen you are a special little person and growing up waaaay too fast! Does every grandma have this feeling that each of their grandchildren is the MOST SPECIALEST ESS?? It is true!!