Friday, April 8, 2011

She got the Golden Ticket~

Well not technically, but she was an Oompa Loompa! Our new church has an amazing theater program and every spring they do a production. I think 75 tried out and only 45 made it and Mikayla got cast as an Oompa Loompa/Cooks. Which basiclly meant she was on stage almost the whole show. She absolutely loved it and it was such an amazing experience for her. I can only imagine that she would have been even more homesick and miserable if she hadn't been in this show. She has definitely found her niche. She is not nervous at all on stage, she thinks it is really fun. She was so animated and did such a good job. The Oompa Loompas made the show! They have to react to what is going on correctly and they did it really well. Here she is as an Oompa loompa cook at the beginning of the show. She's the tall one in the middle.
She was also one of the gate keepers. Here she is by Willy Wonka.(the tall one)

She's not in this picture, but I just thought the backdrop was so beautiful! The whole set was amazing! The main guy who built it is a professional set builder who goes to our church and volunteers his time and talent to all the shows. You can also see the boy who played Augustus in the fat suit, he sang with Josh Groban and the girl who played Mrs. Bucket was in the recent Miley/ Ordinary girl video. This is just normal for this area, but it's all new to us.
They didn't allow video or flash photography so most pictures look like this, but I thought the orange wigs looked cool here.
There she is in the middle again.

You can see how animated she was. She has always been like this on stage even in preschool. She's just a natural. I love to see her perform!
Everyone was so proud of her!
Zach, Chase, Mikayla, Jake
A family pic!
With RuthAnn and Papa
Nikki, Mikayla, Bryson, and Chase( not sure where Austin and Cameron were)
Grammie, Mikayla, Bryson
With the Thiesens~Dallas, Gramma Barb, Mikayla, and Grampa Tim
Since we had to cancel Zachary's birthday party everyone came over to our new house after the show for a belated 9th birthday party!
Star Wars cupcakes made by me and Zach. He did a lot of the work!

The two 9 year olds, born just 11 days apart!
Silly faces!
Bryson and Landen playing bubbles. Landen just absolutely loved having the house full of noisy people! Bryson was so good with Landen.
And Zach got even more presents! I guess that's one good thing about having to celebrate your birthday a month late.
Zachary just adores his cousins. You can just see it on his face. It made his day to have them here!
Thanks to everyone for sharing this special day with our family!

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