Wednesday, October 6, 2010

3rd Annual Oktoberfest~

3rd annual for us anyway. The first year we went we had just told the kids they were getting a little brother or sister. The tradition began there and we just love going every year. I decided all these pictures needed an antiquey feel.
Landen loved the pumpkins!
He seriously wanted to pick this one up.
Mikayla found hers pretty quick. It was actually a pretty chilly, windy day, but we had a great time anyway.
Zach always tries to get one he can barely lift, but I convinced him to get something lighter this year as it's a long haul back to the car even with help from the stroller.
Of course, we all enjoyed the german food and polka band again.
It's really more of a pumpkin hill than a patch.
Not great positioning, but it's good enough!

This was under the pumpkin we chose for Landen. Yikes!!!
He wouldn't smile for any pictures until he saw the kids walk behind me with some ice cream. Then he turned on the charm! He loved that box of little pumpkins and played with them for like 10 minutes.

Had to sample both!
I think third babies always get more treats.

1 comment:

Grandma Frieda said...

Great pumpkin pictures! The family picture looks like a christmas card. ;)