Friday, March 28, 2008

Our Wedding Day~

Still haven't mastered the art of scanning, but I think I'm getting better at taking pictures of pictures. On our wedding day it was sunny, rainy, it hailed, and it snowed! When I woke up it was sunny, then it rained while we were at the studio taking pics. As we were about to take outside pics it started hailing and on the way from Bako to LA for our flight to Hawaii it snowed as we were going over the Grapevine. When does it ever hail in Bakersfield??!! Not what we expected for our wedding day, but I remember that I thought it was really neat to be able to say all that happened on our day, and it still is!Doesn't it look like I am standing on glass? You can't tell, but Jeff is holding up my train so it wouldn't get wet.
Of course there were things that didn't go as planned, other than the weather, but it was blessed day for both of us. Jeff kept rubbing my hand when I was teary after my Dad gave the most wonderful speech when he gave me away(I still get teary thinking about it). Jeff putting his leg up behind him when we kissed for the first time as husband and wife and everyone laughed and I had no idea why until I saw the video like a month later.
Our engagement picture. Wow, we look so young! One thing never changes though, my wild hair! Just kidding! Our love for each other.=)


Sally said...

Ah, so sweet! I remember that crazy rainy day, but I also remember how fun and special your wedding and reception were.

And you look exactly the same...Jeff might look a little older, but not you! =)

Sara said...

What fun memories! It really is a big deal to be married for ten years! Enjoy your anniversary...We love you guys!

Christine said...

Thanks for saying I look the same!

Unknown said...

We, too, remember that day, and we have our wedding album out on the foyer table for all to see. Your mom, Christine, paused carefully at every picture and little smiles lighted up her eyes. May the four of you continue to bless us with your devotion to each other and bless the Lord for all He's given you. You are worthy recipients of His blessings, and we appreciate the overflow! R.