Saturday, August 28, 2010

14 Months~

I had to take a break from blogging about our trip because Landen is almost 15 months now. There's so much I want to remember about 14 months! Landen, you are the cutest little patoot ever!
Your language has exploded over the last few weeks. This past week you said juice and pizza. You say "was dat?" all day, meaning what's that? You say yes and walk and rock and zach and dada and sissa and please and toesies and chicken and ball and washwash and soft and a few more I'm sure I have forgotten.
You went from loving your crib to hating your crib overnight. This is a problem. We are working on it. You are very smart and determined. Mommy is very tired. We'll see what happens.
You got your fourth molar and your fourth eye tooth is almost through. That would make almost 16 teeth!
Your favorite foods are hummus, beans, potatoes, pizza, blueberries, yougurt smoothies, clif bars, and mama's milk. You want to eat whatever we are eating.
You are very vocal and very loud!
You have extremely long eye lashes and smell yummy all the time.
You are master of the pout.
When you wake up in the morning you stretch your arms up and mimic us stretching and make stretching noises. You love to make sniffing noises any time you see flowers.
You love your wack-a-mole.
Here you are signing please. You still sign please, more, all done, and nurse. You also blow kisses and wave bye-bye and cover your eyes to play peek-a-boo.
You can walk about 4-6 steps consistently, but you realized crawling is much faster, so you prefer to do that. Although you will walk very far with your walker and will cruise all around the house. I am sure I am forgetting some things, but I treasure all of our sweet days together in my heart and I love you so very much my little Landen.

1 comment:

Grandma Frieda said...

These thought and pictures are so precious :) You captured expressions that he does so well. I love it! What a fun time in Landen's life! He just oooozes sweetness!!