Friday, July 23, 2010

A Day at the Park~

A couple weeks ago we had some perfect weather and so we headed off to our favorite park. Actually I packed a lunch and said, "We're going to the park! Quick get in the car!" The kids thought that was really fun and they love this park. We call it our secret park because it is kind of tucked away and not ever crowded. Most of the time we are the only ones there. Initially I liked it because it is low and I didn't have to worry about Someone being afraid of heights or Someone Else falling from heights. Five years later we still love it.

It has an outdoor theater where they sometimes have concerts, a covered picnic area, sand v-ball courts(aka a giant sandbox), and it's right next to a horse stable.
It was so gorgeous that day I begged everyone for a quick photo shoot. The first shot was the best!
Then Landen ran out of patience.


He didn't understand why Mama kept sitting him in the prickly grass.
But I ended up getting some great shots! Love this one!
Crazy Zach!
He wasn't sure about the swings at first, but then loved them. If sissy pushed him too fast he would shake his head "no." If she pushed him too slow he would grunt and lean forward. Such a smarty pants.

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

Grandma Frieda said...

Zach what would you call that thing you were riding like a bronco? As grandpa Don says, "yeehaw!". I love that last picture of Landen on the swing. Totally happy toddler!!