Monday, January 26, 2009

Pink or Blue?

So we finally had our ultrasound last week! We were all so excited the day had finally come. It was just an awesome sight to see our little baby moving around soooo much and that strong little heartbeat, I get teary-eyed everytime. The kids thought it was very cool to actually see something that looked like an actual baby moving around in there and I think it made it a lot more real. Mikayla could really see and identify the parts. Baby looked great and we are so thankful for a healthy baby. We started a poll to see what everyone's vote was, I had to remind the kids many times that even if one side wins that won't really affect what the gender is. Zach was determined that boy would win.The real vote probably would have been 3 to 1 for a girl. Jeff and I both thought girl from the beginning and with my sickness hanging on so long like it did with Mikayla and the fact that we agreed on a girls name right away, we were sure we knew. Imagine our surprise when the ultrasound tech said, "It's a boy!!!!" Jeff was happily surprised, Zach was jumping up and down and squealing, Mikayla had a big grin on her face, and I had very happy tears. We have to admit we were a little surprised, but extremely excited. Zach couldn't be more excited and Mikayla seems fine with it. She hugged and kissed my belly for the first time since then, and she hasn't wanted to do that before. I think seeing him really helped her. Zach kisses my belly all the time and talks to baby everyday.

He kept putting his hands over his face the whole time, maybe he was a little shy!?! We were also surprised that the tech estimated that he weighed 1 lb. 11 oz. already even though I am measuring right on for June 11th. Zach was only 11 oz. at this point and he was 9 lbs. at birth. Of course, it's only an estimate, but we'll see! We love you baby boy and can't wait to meet you!!


Sally said...

Congratulations!! How exciting. So, do you have to go back and start working on boy names?? I bet Micah will be excited, too! =)

Amy said...

How fun to know! Congratulations! I hope you feel better soon.e

Jana said...

YAY!! Micah's going to have a little friend!! :) Congratulations!! I'm sure Zach is totally stoked! How fun. Good luck w/ the names - we were opposite of you, we couldn't agree on any girl names so I was so relieved when we found out Micah would be a boy :)

Suzy said...

Oh, Christine! I'm tearing up as I read. It reminds me that I have not called to tell you how excited I am for you and catch up. I surely never thought I would have three before you. I will be praying for the sickness to subside and also for me to remember to call you before it's too late your time. I always think of it when our kiddos go to bed. Miss you!

Christine said...

Thanks girls! You are all so sweet! We have a lot of work to do on boys names!

knkseals said...

Yahoo for boys! We're thrilled for all of you! We'll have to call and catch up sometime soon!

Sara said...

Congratulations!! SO excited for you!