Friday, November 7, 2008


So this is only Day 2 for my 30 Days of Thankfulness, but with being nauseous all day long I am doing my best! We told the kids about the baby on October 26th and then went to Oktoberfest to get some pumpkins. I am so thankful for that day and what a fun, wonderful family day it was. So many wonderful memories I don't want to forget about that day.

We sat the kids down and had the video camera running. They thought it was "show time" and grabbed some stuffed animals, but we said no we actually have some exciting news! I said that Zachary was finally going to be a big brother and they just gave me blank stares. Mikayla said, "So what does that mean??" We laughed and I said I had a baby in my tummy, to which they screamed, "YAYYYYYYY!!!!"
Zachary was so sweet and he jumped up and gave me a hug and asked right away if it was a boy or a girl. I said we didn't know yet. Mikayla instantly said she wanted a girl and Zach said he wanted a boy.Zach asked how will we know if it's a boy or a girl?? I said "Well, when it's born you will definitely be able to see the difference. He said "Oh right, it will have more hair on it's head like I did, if it's a boy." I said, " Well no, something you can see that's different." He said, "It's DNA?"
I don't know where he gets this stuff?? Not like I could argue with that answer. Once I reminded him of "boy parts" we all had a good laugh.

Zachary then reminded us that even if it is a boy that he still has birthright! He is studying Jacob and Esau at school. Such a smarty pants!

He got behind the camera and asked us questions like, " What color skin do you think the baby will have?" He is just so precious.

His suggestions for names were--Nick, Joe, or Kevin and Peyton or Eli. We rejected those ones right away. Mikayla likes Kelsey and Reagan. We really have no idea at this point.

So then we headed to a local Organic Dairy Farm in the area called Traderspoint Creamery. They sell very yummy milk, yogurt, ice cream, and cheese in the stores around here. I love going here, so when I heard they were doing an Oktoberfest I couldn't resist.

The cows have the freedom to roam around all day in this field and then walk back to the barn whenever they want to get milked.
Zach and a black cat.
There was a polka band.Even Jeff did the chicken dance. Mikayla was not into it at all. We kept telling her to embrace her German roots, to which she rolled her eyes.It was a beautiful day! We also had some yummy german food, brats, potato salad, and braised cabbage.Some fun games and organic blackberry ice cream for Mikayla. Zach loved the music.

First family picture as a family of five!
Needless to say we are all very excited about our baby coming in late May or Early June.
Jeremiah 1:5a~ "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart."

1 comment:

Sally said...

I laughed out loud at Eli and Payton. Ha!