Sunday, August 17, 2008

Warning! Major nostalgia post! Tons of pics!

At the end of 2nd grade I told someone I thought Mikayla and her friends were on the cusp of being preteens. Not that they were almost preteens, just in this in between cusp stage. Everyone said oh no way there is so much more time until that. I just tucked that thought away until recently. I signed her up for soccer and suddenly she's in the U11 team with 8,9, and 10 yr. olds(she's still the tallest,btw). Then at church she is promoted from the "studio" to the "stadium" with 3rd thru 5thgraders(hello!10&11 yr,old boys!!!). I got a newsletter from the health foods store saying 8 yrs. and over should get half adult doses of vitamins. So is it just me or is my baby on the cusp of being preteen??!! I keep seeing 1st day of 3rd grade on the calendar and think that can't be right. I am in such denial. It doesn't help that she recently grew another inch and is now 4feet 9 inches and wears a size 10 AND fits in to womens size 6 shoes!! We keep joking we should get matching shoes. Then one day we were getting scrapbook supplies and I was saying I wish I had someone to go to scrapbook events with and Mikayla just looked at me and said, "Um hi! I could go with you!!" I feel like I have turned around and found a little best friend where my baby used to be. (sniff sniff) Thank you God for this precious girl in my life!! I was searching for my favorite picture of her and I actually never found it, but found a *few* others I also love. It seems in my mind she is always going to be my sweet little 5 year old girl.

1st day of kindergarten

1st day of 1st grade

1st day of preschool

We love you soooooo much sweet Mikayla Paige!

1 comment:

Sara said...

I love these thoughts of your sweet Mikayla! I do think you're right that she is on the "cusp." It happens all to fast!