Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Our little patient=(

All tuckered out from baseball on sat. morn. When he walked in the door he was so white and had dark circles under his eyes. He insisted that he didn't fall asleep and was so mad I took this pic.
Sick chick Mikayla on saturday.
Feeling a little better on Sunday!
During all the flu business, Mikayla lost her 3rd tooth!! She pulled it out herself Sunday morning!!! It's the bottom left left one. Note to the tooth fairy who just can't seem to do her job right. Something about don't take the tooth just leave the money!

Well, we went ahead with the surgery on monday morning. Zach seemed to be over his flu and Dr. said the Furnuncle(I definitely had it wrong) still looked significant enough that we should just do it. Everything with the surgery went fine. He was in more pain than expected afterward and thus got a "cocktail" which made him very groggy most of the day. He spent the day on the couch and actually ate a happy meal for lunch. I forgot to mention that he got 3 popsicles!!! He just couldn't believe it. He said, " Mommy!! Three popsicles in one day, I usually get 3 in 3 days!!!" He seemed to be doing well until yesterday when the flu came back with a vengeance. Temp. of 104 and lots of diarrhea, poor guy had a terrible day. Mikayla has been fine, but I have had either terrible alleriges or a cold because I've felt horrible as well. He had a pretty bad night last night, but today has been better, temp is around 102 and no tummy troubles since 2:30am. He's snoring soundly on the couch where he's watched roughly 100 shows the past 6 days since Mikayla got sick on thurs. night. He was actually happy this morning when I took his temp. and told him he still had a fever. He said, " Oh good, that means I get to watch tv all day again!" Thank you everyone for your prayers and please continue to pray he gets over this flu bug soon.

1 comment:

Sally said...

What a trooper! And a cutie!

I'm glad he's home and feeling at least somewhat better...and I hope you're getting sleep as well! =)