Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas Eve~

We ended up going up to Bakersfield for Christmas eve day to celebrate Christmas with my family and to celebrate my nephew Austin's 17th birthday.
We have a tradition of putting candy canes on the tree in honor of someone who isn't with us. Landen had fun putting about 10 candy canes on the tree. I kept trying to get him to say Kelly while he was putting one on, but he kept looking around and saying "Where?" eveytime I said her name.=(
Jake and Landen~The two blondes!
The sweater Landen is wearing was Zachary's when he was 10 months old(crazy, right!?!). I love it so much I saved it and then last year it was in storage, so finally this year he wore it and it just fit. He only wore it for about an hour because it was like 70 degrees outside. Oh well, back in storage or maybe I should make a blanket out of it.(aka, pay someone else to do it)
RuthAnn putting the ornament on the tree that Kelly sent to us from Singapore.
Kelly also sent these fun, fake mustaches and we all had a blast wearing them. When Zach wears his Landen calls him Professor!?! He is too funny.
I really can't believe our little Austie Tommy is 17! I was at his birth and I am seriously in denial that he could be that old. Such a sweet, loving, handsome young man!

These two are seriously best buds! Can't believe they will both be turning 10 next month! They have the best time playing together!

These are the old toys Landen always drags out at Papa's house. He calls that old playskool barn his "garage" and parks all the cars in there.
Probably based on that he got the coolest present from my parents! A huge truck full of cars! When he opened it he was so happy and surprised and kept asking, "For me? For me?" It was the first present he opened and I think the whole idea of presents was new to him.
When we got home we were pretty tired but the kids got to open one small gift after we read the Christmas story from Luke. Landen got a busy town matching game, Zach got a watch from Mikayla, and Mikayla got a Claire's gift card from Zach.

Daddy got new jammies and I got perfume.
Landen played with his new truck all night!

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