Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Year & A Half~

So I know there are a lot of happenings that I haven't blogged about yet. Looking back at pictures from right before and after the move is just too hard right now. So I am just going to jump in here with Landen's 18 month birthday. I can't believe it. My baby is closer to 2 than to newly born. I could just cry that the baby days have gone so fast, but I am thrilled to be where we are. Having a toddler in the house/apartment/condo is one of the sweetest things in life. Landen is trying to say lots of words now and runs through the house trying to keep up with the big kids. I don't have a very sunny window for right now, so this just had to do. He is the most smoochable 1.5 year old I know!

And just for my memory he was 24lbs. 5oz. at his Dr.'s appt. a couple of weeks ago.

1 comment:

Grandma Frieda said...

Christine, I LOVE that picture of the 3 greatest grandkids God could have given me, (this is my comment, right?)walking hand in hand. My prayer is that they will always be there for each other, through the good and bad, while always keeping God as the source of who they are. Seeing Zach looking down at Landen and Landen looking up at his big bro...just made me lose it. Landen is the cutest thumb sucker.