Monday, June 23, 2008

The Birthday Events~

It started off with a Bako Box filled with American Girl Books from Papa & RuthAnn!! She also got many wonderful cards from all her grandmas & grandpas with birthday money which she went out and spent on clothes asap! Thank you everyone!

Zach got a chalk roller!

Her big present from Mommy & Daddy was a new bike! She had out- grown the other one in size and maturity(strawberry shortcake is now babyish)

On Friday she had all her BFF's from school over for her party. She was certain it had to be a back yard party and she planned all the activities!

Pre-party photo shoot was a little buggy

They kicked the party off in the bouncy house

Then the water balloon toss where none of the balloons would pop. But it was a lot of fun trying to see how high and hard they could throw them in order to make them pop.

Then it was time for a run through the sprinkler!

I think this was her favorite part.
Everyone got to paint a picture frame and all the girls really enjoyed this craft and were so quiet while they were working.

Then on to presents!
The girls said the cutest, funniest things the whole time and Zach was cracking up! She got 4 more webkinz then it was time for cake!!She picked a very yummy oreo cake and went with some cute brown and turquoise decorations as opposed to a "theme."(fyi--theme birthdays are babyish)

My sweet 8 year old girl!

As dainty as when she was two.

We ended it all with birthday dinner @ Olive Garden--her choice!!

1 comment:

Grandma Frieda said...

Oh my goodness!! SIX crazy girls in a bouncy house! You party looks like you had sooooo much fun! No more theme parties, huh? So sad. :( What a beautiful 8 yr old you are. :) and Zach you are quite handsome with your new hairdo. :) (of course)
We love you so,
Grandma Frieda