Monday, November 26, 2007

The jig is up!

A very over-tired Zachary shouting thru his tears as to why he doesn't have to obey and go to bed, "MOMMY, Santa doesn't bring us toys, the guy from the UPS does!!!!!!!"


Suzy said...

Oh my goodness! He is so funny and well, rather observant. I guess that UPS just does it all!

Thanks for the package. Camden is in love with the leopard headband. It was great to hear from you. Now it's my turn.

Miss you.

Jana said...

haha!! that's awesome!!!

Kelly H said...

Well, well, well.... if only you were recording it all - UPS could have made it their best commercial ever!! Love you so much! talk to you soon, sister.

Christine said...

It really would have been so funny, he was stomping around yelling Santa is fake!!