Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Viva La Jolla~

Our last day in SD we drove around La Jolla searching for a beach to explore and this is what we found. It was surprisingly warmer down by the water.
All day long after being at this beach Zachary kept singing, "Viva La Jolla!" To the tune of Viva Las Vegas" by Elvis, of course. It made us laugh, but it really gets stuck in your head.

Daddy and Landen

Landen just couldn't stay awake. The sound of the waves put him right to sleep.

The kids had so much fun! Mikayla really let loose and enjoyed the waves. She was telling me to stop taking pictures and jump in the waves!
This little cliff was a challenge Zachary couldn't resist.

His hard work paid off!
Sweet success!
Mikayla, Jeff, and I are always more than content to just sit back and enjoy the view from where we are. Zachary is never satisfied to sit back and relax, he is just made to push boundaries. In this case I think he was greatly rewarded for it! I know he will have many great adventures in his life because of his curiosity and willingness to take risks.
And it made for a great picture of my sweet 8 year old boy!

My sweet 9 year old girl(and me)!

It was the perfect end to our time in San Diego!


Sally said...

great pictures, Christine!! love them!!

Grandma Frieda said...

Christine, you capture such great moments. I love them all! Mikayla cutting loose and Zach being Zach and sweet Landen sleeping (those eye lashes!). The best!! (I'm not prejudiced at all. :)