Tuesday, May 11, 2010

10 Months~

You are actually 11 months old now, but I couldn't skip your 10 month post. You turned 10 months old when we were in California, but I took these pictures as soon as we got home as evidenced by the wrinkled onesie. You are still the sweetest little cherub there ever was and everyone in California thought the same thing. They all fell madly in love with you. I always warn people that you will steal their hearts and you always do!
You are truly a wild man and are really going to give Zachary a run for his money! You love to be loud and laugh and have a good time. When the big kids are laughing about something you will do this adorable fake laugh so that you can be part of the fun too. You can scoot around in circles and backward and you love to stand with a little help. Mostly you just love for us to take you everywhere you want to go, like outside or the basement. You just can't stand it if brobro is outside or in the basement playing without you and you will fuss non-stop and lean toward those places until I take you there.
You can do the signs for all done, more, nurse, and please. Seeing you sign please is probably one of the cutest things I have ever seen. Although, you can make your wants very clear without any real signs. Sissy and brobro will sing to you any time you fuss and give you anything your little heart desires.
You finally started saying mommy, but it sounds more like um mum. You are eating more foods and even started feeding yourself puffs, but you still don't eat a whole lot. You are content to still nurse every 3 hours or so during the day and usually only once at night. You do really love avocados though.
You started to sleep on your tummy after months of only sleeping on your left side and you still suck your left thumb when you are falling asleep. You are finally sleeping in your own room! Mostly this took so long because your room wasn't ready. It took a few days for you to adjust, but once you got used to it you dropped your last night time feeding! For me this is truly sleeping through the night!
You are still a big time daddy's boy. Still have only given sissy a true kiss. Still laugh hysterically at brobro everyday. Still can't be without your momma!
We love you so much our sweet baby do!

1 comment:

Grandma Frieda said...

OMG!!! Landen you have totally stolen your Grandma Frieda's heart. What a blessing beyond words God has given our family. :)