Friday, May 28, 2010

11 Months~

Landen, you have turned into quite the curious george. You want to explore everything! You know exactly what you want and are getting very good at telling us. Mostly you just fuss and lean and reach, but we are working on that. You can sign please, more, nurse, and all done without prompting. You are also starting to say yes! You finally say mama sometimes and you started saying momo for elmo. You really love to see elmo, but I don't really let you watch him yet. You are still sleeping all night most of the time and mostly just nurse, but you are starting to like food more.
All I said was, "Sorry, you can't touch mommy's camera."
And then it led to a
full blown
You are sweet as can be, but you are king of the tantrums.
But you can't stay mad for long!
You can stand up holding onto things now and you love it! Sometimes you let go and stand alone for about 15-20 seconds. Usually you just fall backwards and expect me to catch you, which I always do!
You still crack up at your brobro and would be perfectly content playing outside with him 24/7.

You love to sleep on your tummy now and always wake up with handprints on your cheek.
You can army crawl now, but you hate it. You'd much rather be walking!

I bought you the world's most eco-friendly walker for your birthday and instead of trying it out you went straight for the box!
You love to play ball!

You love to take all your books off your shelf and rearrange them. You can spend a long time doing this and be completely content.
This is your new disgruntled face.

It is so cute you usually get what you want.
You love to play peek-a-boo! Where's Landen?
There he is!
You love it and we love you!


Grandma Frieda said...

O Lord, what a blessing you have given us in our little Landen. It is so much fun to watch the little man he is becoming. What a delight it is seeing his personality emerging. May your hand continue to be on him, Mikayla, and Zach the rest of their lives. Give mommy and daddy continued wisdom as they parent the three bestest grandchildren a grandma and grandpa could ever be given. O how we love you and our love for them continues to grow more and more. You have blessed us beyond words and anything we could have imagined. We thank and praise you. Amen.

Sara said...

Oh, how is he so big already?? He's adorable! Love how expressive he is!

Kelly H said...

Those pics of him and Zach in the bro shirts are so precious. Chrissy - each blog entry is better than the last... the photos, your comments! The "tantrum series" of photos is my absolute favorite candids of him yet! LOVE HIM, LOVE YOU, LOVE M & Z :) Give them a squeeze hug today from their crazy aunt Kelly.