Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Landen Meets Grammie~

I had these sweet pictures of my mom from our trip to California tucked away for a special post and I completely forgot to post them! So this is the first time Grammie met Landen in April and then also the second time last month in Wisconsin. We drove up there to meet her while she was visiting family after our time in Chicago.
Landen was 10 months here. He wasn't too sure about Grammie, but I can see him eyeing all her pretty jewelry and wondering how he can get his hands on it!
He sat with her for a long time. It was really precious!
Me and my Mommy and Landen.
These are the pictures from last month in Wisconsin. Both of my parents were born and raised in Madison and so there is a lot of our family there. This is at my Aunt Jeanne's house. The kids scored a lot of good loot from their aunties! Thank you Jeanne and Barb!! The kids always love how their Wisconsin aunts spoil them.
Landen rearranged Jeanne's whole coffee table! My cousin Michelle was there too. I kept thinking I needed to have Jeff take our picture and then I just forgot. She and Kelly and I played together a lot as kids.
Me and my Mom and Landen again. I can't believe how he has grown since April.
Landen finding some treasures in Aunt Jeanne's purse.

Jeanne and Zachary. Two peas in a pod. I think these two and Aunt Kelly could really go on some wild adventures together.
The best picture we could get of all of us. Landen wasn't having it and neither was Zach.
My Aunt Jeanne is also my godmother. Right after I was born my Mom had back surgery and couldn't hold me very much. My Aunt Jeanne helped take care of me a lot and I feel like I have always had a special bond with her because of that. So these are two very important women in my life and I am so glad I got a picture with them!
Jeanne would sneak me out for fries and a coka at Mcd's when I was little. Everytime I am at her house I just want to curl up and take a nap and I think that has to do with her caring for me when I was an infant.=) I am so happy we were able to drive up to see my Mom while she was in Wisconsin. We don't see you enough Mom!

1 comment:

Kelly H said...

Beautiful. Love this post. I wanna see those kids. :(