Thursday, September 30, 2010

I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner~

I guess I can blame tired mommy brain for not remembering I can take video in photo booth and then easily upload them. So here is Landen walking! Plus a couple extras. Just focus on the cute baby and not the silly mama. I don't know why he won't say brobro and sissa, he says both all day long while they are at school. That's Jeff in the background putting up the baby gate at the bottom of the stairs to keep our little climber safe.=) Not sure if the sound is lining up with the video properly, but you get the idea. You'll have to pause the music first.

1 comment:

Kelly H said...

Dad and I just watched the videos! SO amazing... "brain surgeon in training" says Papa! :) I just can't wait to see the little bugger! He is so smart and sweet! Love you, Landen!

Kelly & Papa