Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Here's my two little night owls at 9pm. One up because his last eye tooth, tooth #16 was breaking through and bothering him. The other one up because tooth # 11 was too wiggly to sleep, but wasn't quite out yet. After a little work and some bravery she pulled it out herself! That tooth had been wiggly for what seemed like a year. She told the tooth fairy that she could have the night off.
Here's a good look at all his teeth and also his sweet smile.

He was 23lbs. 8 oz. and 30.25 inches at his 15 month appt. last week. Although the Dr. thinks he's taller. He didn't even cry after the first shot and only cried a little after the second. The Dr. was amazed at all his teeth and at his language. "Uh-oh! Wah Zat!" is his new favorite expression. It is just adorable. He has been walking a lot the past 2 days. He still likes a little help, but is getting so brave. He has been folding his hands and saying "ay" at dinner if we forget to pray. Then makes us do it a few more times just for good measure. How does he remember!?! He walked up to Zach the other day and gave him a big hug and patted his back. Zach says he is the sweetest baby ever. I have to agree. He is absolutely precious. He loves his big brother soooooo much. He calls for him all day when he is at school. "ZAAAAA!!!!" Hoping that he will run out from hiding and do something silly to make him laugh. He still hates his crib, but the pack n' play can be tolerated at times. Dr. says it is normal, some toddlers do this, it's just a battle of the wills. So I guess I have the sweetest and most stubborn baby ever!
I think mommy is slowly, but surely winning this battle. Although I think we may be in a toddler bed sooner than later.

**If I had posted this this morning it would have been true, but this afternoon Landen was walking everywhere!**


Kelly H said...

Three words: I WANT VIDEO!!!!

Grandma Frieda said...

WAY TO GO MIKAYLA!! I can't believe you persevered until it was out and THEN gave the tooth fairy the night off!! What's up with that?? Boo hoo or hip hip hoo ray our beautiful little girl is turning more corners before our eyes. You are a delight to your grandma. We must chat on AIM alone one of these days. I always get off and think of how much I wish I could have talked to you more. :)
Christine, I am sooo glad you keep this blog going. Landen is learning and changing so fast. It's wonderful that you share your memories on here. :)
Watching Mikayla and Zach interact with Landen is something I will never get tired of. Even when you're all grown up. Our family is truly blessed!!!