Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Friday Night Lights~

Zachary is playing flag football again this year. He got to play at half-time at the varsity game. We all love to go and cheer him on and get to see the very talented HCS eagles varsity football team. When we left at half time I think they were ahead by 4 touchdowns??!!
So serious.
And yes, he is that much taller than most of his teammates.
He mostly plays quarterback.
Landen screamed "ZAAAA!!!!" the whole time! It was so funny and sweet!

Taking pictures at night under the big lights is definitely way out of my league, but I got what I could.
That's Zach down on the ground.
Landen last year~3 months old
Mikayla stayed in the bleachers and hung out with one of her friends. Oh my, all my babies are growing up.

1 comment:

Grandma Frieda said...

Zach you look so good out there on the field! So, was it fun to end up in a pile? What an adorable cheerleader you have. Before you know it Landen will be out there too.