Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Landen Update~

I never really wrote about what Landen was doing at 12 months, so here goes.

Landen, suddenly you want to eat everything we are eating. You insisted on eating a whole piece of pizza a few days before your birthday. You got six teeth last week, your one year old molars and 2 eye teeth. Two more eye teeth are almost through this week. That has been super fun! Ha! You still want to be outside all the time and you wave to every car that drives by. You especially love big noisy trucks, like the ups truck. You are starting to crawl on your hands and knees, but army crawl when you want to be fast. You would still rather walk and are starting to try to walk only holding one of our hands. You are also sometimes letting go and standing by yourself by your own choice. You are mimicking lots of sounds. Today you said attach when Zach and I were playing uno attach. You are crazy about going to the basement. If anyone is down there you have a huge fit if you don't get to go too. You love to give mommy hugs and kisses and are becoming a momma's boy. You are sleeping longer at night, but are still a night owl. If you like what you are eating you will do a little dance after every bite. You shake your head "no" to tell us what you don't want and reach and fuss for what you do want. Your receptive language skills are amazing, you and I can have whole conversations and you will just shake your head or smile after each thing I say. You still sign all done, please, and nurse, but usually after we remind you. You are very good at letting your opinion be known without saying anything. You seems to make friends everywhere we go. You smile and wave at strangers when you are in your stroller. You love to be out and about, but you also move your crib. You are a pretty good napper and still usual have 2 plus an evening cat nap. Your hair seems to be growing in the curly direction and I think looks strawberry blond most of the time. You are still the sweetest baby ever!

1 comment:

Grandma Frieda said...

What a facsinating time!! Each is different. Landen, you are quite the charmer. You've captured this grandma's heart. I have 3 fabulous grandkids!!! and Yes, I'm biased!! Can't wait to see you again!