Saturday, June 19, 2010

His birth day~

The morning of June 7th, 2009 was fairly uneventful. I was just going through the motions and getting to the hospital. I didn't even care at that point about a birth plan or trying to tell the drs. and nurses anything. Thankfully they were very good about asking me what I wanted when there was a choice. The worst part was the IV which I knew would be. Those 2 hours really did fly by with all that was going on around me.
I was very concerned that they do another ultrasound asap to see if baby boy had flipped. He actually did, but it was back to where he had been. Sweet little stinker. He just really liked that position and that was that. There was a moment of talk about vaginal breech delivery, but even though this particular Dr. is one the only in Indy that will do them, even she didn't feel that was safest considering that we thought he was going to be about 8.5-9lbs. Also, to see Jeff's face every time that came up, I knew if that was God's will his face wouldn't have such terror in it. Ha! I just couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to run away from the hospital as fast as I could. Although, at that point it would have been a slow waddle. Which is exactly what I wanted to do when we were walking to the OR and there was an exit door right across the hall. I joked with the nurse about it and she said there was actually one lady who did try! I remember there being a cheesy 80's song playing in the OR. After he did the spinal the nurse came over and said, "Oh, you did that without me, good job!" I guess she was supposed to stand there and help me somehow. They were about to start and someone realized Jeff wasn't in there yet. So they went to get him and started the c-section. I remember it not feeling as bad as they said it would, no real pressure. I could just feel the skin that wasn't numb above my belly pulling and that felt wierd. Jeff stood up and took pics when he was being pulled out and he said, "It's a boy! It's definitely a boy!" Jeff said that Landen stuck his arms straight out in my belly and they had to manuever a little to get him out. He really was stubborn! As soon as he started crying absolutely nothing else mattered. All the stress of the previous days went away and I just started crying tears of joy! I said that he sounded different, which concerned the anesthesiologist, but all I meant was that his cry sounded different than Mikayla and Zach's did. Jeff got to go over and see him immediately and actually walked right by my uterus just laying there! Ugh! I was surprised he didn't pass out. I remember telling the anesthesiologist at this point to yell over there and ask them if Jeff was taking pictures. It seemed like very quickly Jeff peeked over and told me, "7lbs. 13 oz. 21 inches and bald like his mama was," with a big grin. Then very soon after that he came back with Landen in his arms and tears in his eyes. I will never forget that moment and how special it was to have Jeff be the one to bring him over. We had what seemed to be a long time all to ourselves to just kiss Landen and talk to him. He cried a little and calmed down when I kissed him. We marveled at his tiny little facial features and soft pink skin and said that he had his own look. He had blondish curly hair and of course he was perfect! By the time we rolled into the recovery room he was trying to eat his fingers, so I told the nurse to just latch him on because I was feeling dizzy and couldn't sit up. She did and he started nursing right away and was still nursing when the kids finally got to come see their new baby brother! To be continued...again!

1 comment:

Sally said...

Aw, what sweet memories. You sound like you were MUCH more coherent than I was after surgery. I remember being so out of it and afraid to hold the baby b/c I was still flat on my back and shaking like crazy. I hope this time will be a little different.