Friday, February 5, 2010


This morning when I dropped the kids off at school, Landen just cried and cried, he was so sad when they hopped out of the van. On Tuesday he fussed a bit when they got out, but today he was crushed as soon as they started to unbuckle. I knew this day would come, but I didn't expect it so soon. Poor little guy just loves his sis sis and bro bro so much. He has been staying awake in the car the last couple of months to "talk" to them on the way to school, then would fall asleep after they got out. Also, this week he started saying "Hi!!" to them when we pick them up from school. He also said, "Hiya dada," yesterday when Jeff came home from work. One of my biggest concerns at the start of the school year was how he would handle getting up and taking the kids to school. He is very sleepy in the mornings and for the first couple months he would amazingly just sleep through the whole process. The last few weeks he will stay awake until we are almost home and then has easily gone back to sleep in his crib. We'll see how long that lasts, but I am amazed at how great he has done with being scooped out of his cozy, warm slumber every morning. God really answered my prayers in this area and I couldn't be more grateful. I am still curious to see how this will play out over the next 3 months and I hope he won't continue to be so sad to see them leave every morning.

1 comment:

Sally said...

Oh, it's so hard to wake them up, isn't it. I always feel so bad...and then I think about the teenage days to come when we will have to drag them out of bed at noon! =)

I'm so glad he's doing so well w/ your routine, aside from being so sad to see the big kids go.