Monday, February 15, 2010

January Recap~

Feels like I missed a lot of events from January due to sickness and teething and nursing around the clock for what seemed like days. There was a lot of fun , too, and I don't want to forget it! So here is a very random recap. You can tell when Landen is getting another tooth because he sticks his tongue out a lot.
He loves the puzzle he got for Christmas and is very good at taking the pieces off. I am amazed how he can grab those little red knobs with his pincer grasp. His fave to chew on is the snake. They all make sounds and he loves the elephant. He also loves to dump out all the pieces and just play with the board.
Mikayla changes her earrings every morning. I just love to see her express her creativity through her jewelry and clothes.
Landen and I got to go to Zach's explorers extravaganza. Do you think an egg can fit thru the neck of a glass bottle?
If you put a lit match inside and then put the egg on top it will! Very cool. The teacher talked a lot about heat and pressure and why that happens and Landen listened intently the whole time. Zach played with the egg shells the whole time. We loved being there to see some of what brobro does at school.
Not the greatest picture, but I love it.
Then they got to make vanilla ice cream by hand!
Someone is practicing getting up on all fours. Yikes!
Zachary said he had to wear his apron to eat his ribs, because it would be "dreadful and horrid" to get sauce on his Colts jersey.
Just more Landen cuteness.
He weighs 21 lbs. now.
January 27th Landen got tooth #7 and January 26th Zachary lost tooth #7.
He just went in to the bathroom and pulled it out all by himself!
Very serious about playing with mommy's camera strap. This is our sunny window where we hang out on cold days.
Zachary and Mikayla did hoopsters at school this winter and Zachary definitely reminds me of his Papa, or I guess pictures I have seen of his Papa playing h.s. b-ball. At his last game he made a three point shot! We were all pretty stunned.
Mikayla is great at guarding!
We had a few snow days which led to some baking.
I walked out of the room for a second and he went from sitting to his tummy.
Got just a bit of snow.

Finally decided to like bananas again!

Cheering for the Colts even though Daddy is a Steelers fan.

1 comment:

Grandma Frieda said...

So many great pics I could comment on. I love the look on Zach's face while he's doing projects in Explorer's. He's so into it! Landen is growing up tooooo fast! The comment you included about Zach and his Colts jersey made me laugh and shake my head. You're amazing Zackaroo! Mikayla you get prettier and more grown up looking in every picture. Glad you are enjoying the aprons.