Friday, May 22, 2009

All in one~

Bloglines hasn't been letting me post much lately so I feel I need to play catch up before our little guy makes his appearance. Zach had a weather play for his explorers class last week. He got offered the lead part but declined because he says he has stage fright. He really loved the part he chose(the teacher suggested parts, but ultimately let them choose) and he seemed to have a lot of fun.

His Explorers teacher Mrs. Heath.
I am about 36 weeks here.

This was posted outside his classroom and I thought it was so funny!
Daddy decided he really wanted to paint baby's room before he is born so here is a before and after.

It's kind of a gray-blue color. I love it! We also have the crib now!
Mikayla is always creating something and I try to take pictures of the things she leaves lying around because I just love her art! Here's some things she has created lately.

A dress she created from her design kit. She hand glued these sequins on herself. She has such patience with her art. That patience doesn't seem to transfer to her brother.

All the Mother's day artwork she brought home from school.
A few weeks back Mikayla's class got to go to the Zoo as a finale to their animal reports. She was so brave that day and touched several animals! I think this was either a goat or a pig.

A shark!

She absolutely fell in love with this goat. He just stood there for the longest time. She said she wished she could take him home! This is just so rare for her, I think seeing her friends touch all the animals helped.

Two new baby bears.


This past weekend Jeff and Zach went to go watch the qualifing races for the Indy 500. They have done this the past few years and it is a great way to see all the drivers and get the experience of the race without actually battling the crowds and paying the insane price for tickets. Jeff didn't take any pictures, but he got some video of Zach sitting in a National guard helicopter that I hope to try and download soon. So instead I thought I would post these pictures from last month when we all went to the track and Hall of Fame museum.

Look! It's Danica Patrick!

We got to take a very slow bus ride around the track. Which I thought was pretty cool. Mikayla was not thrilled but in the end we all had fun and now we can say we did it.

The Pagoda.

Can't really see them, but there are still tire marks from the infamous Danica Patrick scuffle on the track.

So now I am finally caught up!

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