Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hume & Hearst~

In July Zach and Mikayla had the privilege of going to Hume Lake Summer Camp with our church middle school group.  To say it was stressful getting them both ready would be a huge understatement! The day before they left we went to see Despicable me 2 just to destress a little.  
Landen pretended to be a bus driver the whole way home after dropping them off at church by all the buses.  He did not like seeing his sissy and brobro go, but he seemed perfectly content to have mommy and daddy all to himself for a whole week!
We decided to go stay at Jeff's Aunt's beach house near Pismo for most of the week.  Our first stop was in Santa Barbara for lunch.


Landen talked about playing in the sand the whole time we drove for about 4-5 hours.  Finally we made in to Pismo Beach for a little sand and sun before dinner.

The next day we decided to go to Hearst Castle because it's somewhere Jeff has always wanted to go.  We stopped in Cambria for lunch on the way and also had some yummy olallieberry pie!

You have to take a bus to get up the BIG hill.  Landen loved riding the bus, I hated the heights. But the views were amazing!
You can see the house on the hill!

The outdoor pool.  I wanted to jump in so badly.  It looked so inviting.  For a cool 10k you can rent in out for parties. Bucket list!

Every room had a gorgeous and elaborate ceiling.
Every bed had a desk at the end for writing letters.  I do love me some Instagram, but getting letters in the mail is really the best!
Gorgeous views for every room.  I don't remember how many rooms there are but I like we saw about half and that was probably about 30.  I'm sure I am way off, but the place was massive.

 Me and my man!
 Love the guy in the background taking a selfie with his iPad! Ha!
Chevron is not new!

That's the ocean out there.

The front door.

The indoor pool was my favorite.  So stunning!

Past naptime and getting a little silly.

We really enjoyed exploring and learning about William Randolph Hearst and we were sure the big kids would have hated walking around for 2 hours, but Landen did great!

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