Thursday, January 6, 2011


Landen is 19 months old today so I thought I'd do a little update. I am supposed to be taking a blogging/facebook break for the new year, but I had already started this post awhile back. Zach already had to give me a "traffic ticket" for being on facebook. He is doing a good job of keeping me accountable and enjoying it way too much. If I get 2 traffic tickets he gets a piece of candy. Seriously though, I need to just really focus on my family these next few weeks until we get over these last few hurddles and get settled in our new house/school/life. I never regret giving them all more time and attention.
Landen learned how to smile and say cheese for the camera. He seems to like having his picture taken and likes to see the picture afterward. When he sees the picture of himself he says baby. The only time he says Landen is after bath when I wrap him up in his towel and ask him,"Who's my little burritto?" and he says, "Danden!"
He kept backing up to this shelf and smiling for me.
Then he wanted to take a picture together.

Then of course Elmo needed his picture taken, too!
Can't forget sissa!

"Cheese and I am done with pictures Mom!!"

A coulpe weeks ago Landen said, "bye-bye fishies" at the library(they have an aquarium) and a few days later he looked right at me and said, "More?...Juice?" when he was playing kitchen. He pretty much only plays with kitchen items and became obsessed with Elmo a couple weeks before we left Indiana. He has said blue and orange in the past week and knows about 6-7 body parts. He was 25lbs.14oz. and 32.5 inches at the dr. yesterday which is 50% for weight and 75% for height, exactly where Mikayla was at this age and where I was as a child.


Sally said...

I'm glad you broke your hiatus...I've been wondering how you're doing. I LOVE your new header...and those Elmo jammies are SO cute. Can't wait to see you -- just a few more weeks. =)

Kelly H said...

A D O R A B L E is how you spell Landen. He's already hamming it up??!! Austin really must have rubbed off on him at Christmas! :) Love the update. Talk to you soon, Sissa! xoxo

Grandma Frieda said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics. Now, I can't wait to HEAR his voice!!

I also LOVE my verrrrryyyyy TALL grandchildren. I miss you so!!!!