Wednesday, December 29, 2010

All Things Christmas~

Trimming the tree, well, hanging carefully selected new ornaments on the decorative metal tree from crate and barrel. The kids had a lot of fun buying new ornaments, Mikayla chose penguins, Zach chose sports balls.

We had a fun event at the church we are attending. They had sledding hills with actual snow and hot cocoa and a tree lighting and we met Bob Eubanks!

We baked tons of sugar cookies!

Out of order but here is the tree all a glow.
We got to go to a gingerbread decorating party for all new families at Jeff's work. Yes, Landen wore shorts that day. It's a pretty rough life here in T.O.

And a perfect picture with Santa to culminate the Christmas fun!
Mikayla and I also got to go see the Nutcracker Ballet and it was awesome! I think despite not having all our Christmas decorations and being in a new city we still were able to do a lot of great Christmas activities.


Sally said...

I'm glad you had a nice Christmas. Sounds a little like our first one in Bakersfield...we were living in corporate housing, our doggie was at my aunt's in NorCal and we had a little tree, too. Hope I can see your new place in Feb when I'm there!

Grandma Frieda said...

What a perfect tree! It will provide great memories of this Christmas. The kids look like they are really taking the gingerbread house very seriously. What a great gift Amgen gives to new families. Did the ballet convince Mikayla to return to ballet? Doesn't look like Landen was too impressed with Santa. :)