Monday, March 15, 2010

9 Months~

Oh my sweet baby boy! I cannot believe you are already 9 months old! Time is going by so fast and I am enjoying your first year immensely! You are about 21.5 lbs now and 29 inches long, over 75 percentile for both. You have learned how to scream at the top of your lungs just for fun, mostly when you are happy and your sis sis and bro bro are around. You are a lot quieter when it is just you and me hanging out while the big kids are at school. You are saying nigh nigh(night night), br br(bro bro), shish shish(sis sis), hi, dada, but still no mama. You love to clap and play patty cake and have started waving bye bye. When you want us to go a certain direction when we are holding you you will lean that direction and flap your arms wildly. You can make the signs for all done and more, but I don't think you really understand what they mean yet. Your favorite things are the remote, the basement, and daddy. You will growl and then have a full blown tantrum if we try to take the remote away from you. You are definitely able to let us know when you are not happy, but mostly you are a very smiley, happy little guy. You still give sissy the most kisses, but you did give me a kiss when I took you to the basement. I think because you were so happy to finally get to go down there to see all the fun the big kids have playing wii. You actually gave me and daddy kisses finally last week, but you are still pretty stingy with them. You can scoot in circles and backward which makes you very frustrated. You would much rather stand with us helping you. You aren't fighting bedtime as much and are having some good nights, but you are still more wild at night. You love to help daddy put the big kids to bed and get very upset if you don't get to go upstairs with daddy. Your 8th tooth is almost through! You are finally eating little bits of food. You mostly like avocado, but yesterday you drank some water and had some bits of banana puffs. Zachary did the same thing when he was a baby. He didn't like food until about 9 months and then he preferred to fed himself. You both were fine to just nurse until then and I don't mind skipping the whole making mashed baby food thing. Sometimes you will stroke our faces very gently only to try and pinch our skin off the next minute. You do the same thing with stuffed animals, play with them very gently at first and then get really rough. You also hate sirens and sleeves and having to get your diaper on. I still feel like you are more like your sissy in a lot of ways, but are going to have even more determination than Zachary, if that is even possible. I can't believe how much love and joy you have brought into our lives! We love you dearly our little Landen!


Grandma Frieda said...

A grown-up T-shirt with pockets!What great colors for you. Are there any that aren't? - It is so fun to hear the things you do. You are growing up sooo fast. What fun you have brought into our lives. It's such fun to see you interact with your bro and sissy and mom and daddy. It was so fun to get you to connect on our video chat. You're waiting to say mom's name til last because she has a special place in your heart. 8 teeth! Be sweet to your mama with those! :)

Kelly H said...

Landen's got the kind of eyes you can get lost in... He's going to win lots of hearts with those! He's already won mine! He's such a handsome lil angel. Can't wait to give him a nice big hug next time I see him. Wish I was in CA in April when you guys go! ;( love you.