Tuesday, January 19, 2010

7 Months~

Landen ~I can't believe you are 7 months old already! Your sixth month just flew by and you are changing everyday! Now that you have 6 teeth I think your smile has changed. Dare I say you look like your Mama at that age. You are a very happy baby and you love to smile! However, you are still a night owl, which means you fight sleep in the evenings which isn't always pleasant. Secretly though, Daddy and I enjoy our special evening time with you all to ourselves. You are smitten with your siblings and I really think you have been saying bro bro, although it sounds more like bwra bwra. You like to wave your arm and say hi! You weighed 19lbs. and 12oz. last week and are getting too long for your infant car seat. You get really excited when the kids come home from school and daddy comes home from work. I think you are becoming a little bit of a mama's boy, only because you love to nurse and do not like food yet. You have tried several foods, but are really not that interested yet. I am just fine with this and am trying to cherish every moment, because I know in an instant you will be walking and talking and trying to keep up with the big kids. You have realized that you can express yourself by screeching and throwing your head back. Mostly you do this when you don't want your coat on. Honestly, these little tantrums are really cute, but I think you may be my most "determined" child yet!
You are a little charmer and make friends everywhere we go.
When we are out and about people are always smiling in my direction and it always takes me a second to realize they are smiling at you, precious boy!
I think this is my new favorite picture! You are probably trying to figure out how to grab her glasses.
You have also started to give kisses. But you are very stingy with them.

You get so excited when you get even a glimpse of bro bro's bedroom. The legos will need to be put up very soon.
Every single person who meets you says you look exactly like Zach. Actually though, you look very much like your sissy at this age. I will have to scan some of her baby pictures soon.
Bro bro can make you laugh instantly, usually by saying chicken tofu latte. I have no idea where he got that, but you think it is hilarious!

Your hair seems to be growing in a little wavy still. It actually looks more blond in real life.
Landen, you are God's beautiful creation and we are all blessed to see you grow and change everyday.

1 comment:

Sally said...

These are amazing pictures, I love them!!! Those big kids are GREAT w/ the little dude! =)