Saturday, January 9, 2010

Odds & Ends~

Just a few things I missed~

You can kind of see all six teeth in this pic.
This is the morning after Mikayla's first sleepover. I am not really ok letting her go to sleepovers. Mainly because she doesn't sleep well away from home, never has. Even as a baby she wouldn't fall asleep in the car. I reluctantly let her go because it was her best friend's birthday and she told me that morning it was going to be the best day of her whole life! She came home and fell asleep on the couch for an hour, got up and ate lunch, went to her room and slept another 3 hours. I know she had a blast, but next time I may go get her at 10pm.
Zach's tooth fell out the night she was at the sleepover, December 11th, tooth #6!


Sally said...

Oh, c'mon, Mom...remember all those sleepovers we had when we didn't sleep a wink and then crashed at home the rest of the weekend? =)

Grandma Frieda said...

Great memories! I'm sure they had a blast. The mom's don't sleep good either. Chat giggle eat chat giggle giggle giggle eat chat chat!!
One boy getting teeth and the other losing them. :)