Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Last day in Tahoe we went tubing and jetskiing.Zach and Chase

Zach and Cameron. Zach must have been out there for at least a half hour and he loved it. He got very brave and raised his arms.
Looking at these pictures now a few months later makes me realize even more what a blessing it was to be able to be out on this beautiful lake. God's amazing creation for us to enjoy. What a unique experience for Zachary to do at only 6 years old. Thanks Papa and RuthAnn for making it happen.Mikayla was not happy on the boat even though we were going super slow. She, for some reason, thought jetskiing would be more fun and was very excited to go.

But quickly realized it was bumpier and scarier than the boat and daddy came right back with a not happy Mikayla.Zach wasn't scared but the bumpiness made him a little seasick.

Mikayla(8) and the boys. L to R-Austin(13), Cameron(12), Bryson(14), & Chase(12). And of course Zachary(6). Bryson, Austin, and Chase are brothers.

The End!

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