Wednesday, July 16, 2008

More of Day 2~

We had the privilege of being able to see our dear friends, Jason and Shelly, who just had twins!! Here's me with Mikayla and sweet Taryn Grace, their little girlie girl. She is so laid back! Barely makes a peep. She actually was hungry in this pic I think and that was the only time she was heard!Zach and their oldest, Dylan, were such fast friends it was amazing. They had a great time playing while we visited and were sad to leave each other. Zach said he was his new best friend!

Daddy with Nolan Luke
Daddy was like the baby whisperer while we were there. He got Nolan to sleep for awhile, he's always been good with babies. Nolan is the opposite of Taryn, but just as cute. Reminds me a lot of Zach and Mikayla as babies!

Sweet smile!

Is there anything cuter than men holding babies!?!! These two have been friends for such a long time and it was so great for them to be able to catch up. Seems like we have shared a lot of big life events with each other and it has been such a blessing to have friends like them. I know I have a pic of Jason holding Mikayla somewhere and it may have been one of the first babies he ever held! I don't know how Shelly never got in any pics but you can see her arm in this one. By the way, she is mother of the year!


Sally said...

I can't believe Jason has twins! They are adorable! How old are they?

Isn't it amazing when you think about how many years we've all been friends?? Man, we're getting old. =)

Christine said...

Ont that day they were almost 2 months, about 7 weeks. I know! He was just telling me about being in third grade at the same school as agnes. Mikayla is going to be in third grade!!